Healing Mantra Remedy to Eliminate Any Kind of Fever

In this post, I have written about a very useful Fever Healing Mantra Remedy which will work to give relief from all kinds of fever and hence it is called Sarva Jwar Nashak Mantra Prayog in Hindi or All Fever Eliminating Mantra Remedy.

There are three different ways in which this Healing Mantra can be used to remove fever all three techniques have been described in this post. The practitioner can select any one of these three methods and use them to help any person or himself get rid of the fever.  I had written about this Healing Mantra Experiment many years back, in this post I have given detailed procedures for practicing the remedy. 

Fever Removal Mantra

The Three Techniques of Using this Healing Mantra to Gain Relief from Fever:

First Technique: The Fever Removal Mantra shown below should be written on Bhojpatra or White Paper with a Paste of Lal Chandana or Red Sandalwood. The Paper or Bhojpatra should be put in a metal locket or a locket made from waterproof cloth and put around the neck of the person suffering from fever as a healing talisman.

ॐ नमो भगवते छिन्दि छिन्दि अमुकस्य - ज्वरस्य शिरः प्रज्वलित परशु पाणेय पुरुषाय फट् ||
Om Namo Bhagavate Chhindi Chhindi Amukasya – Jvarasya Shirah Prajvalit Parashu Paaneya Purushaaya Phat ||

Second Technique: The practitioner should take a silk thread prepared using seven smaller threads. This is called Saat Padri Reshmi Dhaga and tie 21 knots on the thread and tie it around the neck of the patient.

Infusion Procedure for First Two Healing Experiments: In both the techniques mentioned above the Paper, Bhojpatra or Silk Thread should be infused with the power of the Healing Mantra by holding either of them in the right hand and chanting the Healing Mantra 21 times.

Third Technique: The practitioner should make the person suffering from fever sit or stand on the ground. Then, he should take a knife and draw a straight line on the ground and blow his breath on the body of the patient. This should also be done 21 times in all. 

The practitioner can also use this Healing Mantra Remedy on himself if he is suffering from a fever. The method of using the first two techniques on yourself is the same and in their method, the breath should be blown on your own body. The word Amukasya is the Mantra should be replaced by the name of the patient or if the practitioner is using it on himself he should take his own name. 

Notes: This Mantra Remedy to Gain Relief has been derived from an authentic Indian Text on Paranormal Healing Methods. It is described in this post to share knowledge and not as a replacement for any medical treatment.

The sections Prophet666.com: Health Mantras and Spells, Healing Yantras, and Paranormal Healing Remedies contain healing mantras, yantras, charms, and paranormal healing remedies.
