Vishnu Mantra to Meditate on Origin of Universe

In this post, I have written about a Vishnu Mantra which describes Shri Vishnu as the Ultimate Source or Origin of the Universe. This Small Vishnu Mantra can be useful to people attempting to meditate or focus their attention on the final source of creation.

Ancient Sacred Hindu Religious Scriptures, including Bhagavata Purana, a text on Hindu Cosmology and the Creation of the Cosmos describe Lord Vishnu as the Origin or Bija of the Brahmandiya Urja or Cosmic Energy.

These Scriptures describe Bhagwan Vishnu as Narayana or the Supreme Being in Yog Nidra or Yogic Relaxation, resting in the All-Encompassing Space, which is the ground that contains All of Creation. In the State of Yog Nidra, a Lotus Flower emerges from the Navel of Bhagwan Vishnu with the Creator Brahma sitting inside it.

Brahma gazes at all the Four Directions with his Four Heads and materializes the Five Elements of Panchamahabhuta; Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Aether, and Constructs Shristi of Creation with these Five Elements.

Thus, Hindu Cosmology on the Origin of the Universe, states that the entire creation is governed by the will of Lord Vishnu. Its symbolic meaning is that every element of the universe originates from divinity and merges back into it.

Meaning of the Bhagwan Vishnu Mantra in English and Hindi: I Pray to Bhagwan Vishnu who is the origin of Creation / मैं विष्णु भगवान को नमन करता हूँ जो ब्रह्मांड की उत्पत्ति के बीज है।

The Origin of the Mantra.
The Mantra originates from the Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotram or the 1000 Names of Bhagwan Vishnu and is based on the Name विश्वरेता Vishwaretaa.

How to Meditate upon the Source of Creation:
The practitioner should mentally visualize Bhagwan Vishnu resting in Yog-Mudra on Anant Shesh Naag in the Cosmic Ocean or the All-Encompassing Space that contains All of Creation.

The practitioner should mentally or verbally chant the Vishnu Mantra at least 27 times or for 5-10 minutes while going to sleep in his bed. It does not matter if the practitioner goes to sleep while chanting the Mantra. Other than this, the practitioner can meditate on the Mantra as much as he likes at any time of the day or night.

Vishnu Mantra to Meditate on Source of Cosmic Energy

The Immense Benefits of the Mantra Meditation:
The Mantra Meditation will still the mind of the practitioner and increase his chances of visualizing things as they exist. The Meditation will help him eliminate negativity and attract strong positive energy that will revitalize his mind and body and gain extra sensory perception or the sixth sense.

There will be a noticeable improvement in the physical and mental health of the practitioner, improving his brain and memory power. He will gain knowledge about the secrets of the Universe and will become a wise and knowledgeable person.

The Hindi video of the Vishnu Mantra can be viewed on our YouTube Channel Prophet666: Brahmand Ki Urja Par Dhyan Lagane Ka Shri Vishnu Mantra.

Note: Mantras dedicated to Bhagwan Vishnu and his Ten Avatar can be viewed in the section Mantra and Tantra of Shri Vishnu.
