How to Chant Shabar Mantras without Guru Diksha

In this post, I have written about an effective technique to gain Siddhi over a Shabar Mantra without Guru Diksha or the active guidance of a Siddh Guru. Even though most Shabar Mantras do not require Guru Diksha, if some Mantras do so, then, this technique can enable the practitioner to chant and practice a Shabar Mantra without Initiation from a Guru.

The Method of Practicing the Sadhana to Purify the Shabar Mantra: 1] The Sadhana can be practiced on any Sunday. The practitioner should take a copper plate or Kanse Ki Thali in Hindi and wash, clean, and wipe it dry. Then, he should apply Bhasma or Vibhuti from the place of worship in his house.

2] The copper plate should be kept on an Aasan or Mat and light an oil lamp in front of it sit down in front of the oil lamp and chant the desired Shabar Mantra 108 times.

3] After the completion of the chanting of the Shabar Mantra, the practitioner should take a one-foot-long white cane bang it on the copper plate, and chant: "हे! मंत्र सिद्धि भवति" “Hey! Mantra Siddhi Bhavati” This should be done nine times in all.

Chanting Shabar Mantras without Initiation

4] Then, on the next day, which is Monday, he should take a Bhog of Dal-Chawal, Sabji, Roti, and Nine Urad Vadas and offer it in a Mandir of Bhairavanath. He should also keep a Bhog of the pieces of One Coconut and offer it to some small children. The Bhog of Coconut Pieces should not be eaten by the practitioner or the members of his family.

5] This Sadhana will enable the practitioner to gain Siddhi over a desired Shabar Mantra without taking Guru Diksha or initiation from a Siddh Guru or Advanced Master of Shabar Mantra Sadhana. However, regular practice and the recommended Siddhi Sadhana is necessary after purifying the Shabar Mantra.

Note: Another variation of this technique to gain Siddh over Shabar Mantras was posted on this site a few years back. The basic method is the same, but there is major difference between the two methods.   

Another Technique of Chanting a Shabar Mantra without Guru Diksha: The practitioner should chant the desired Shabar Mantra 108 times during the period of a Surya or Chandra Grahan or Solar or Lunar Eclipse. This will Purify the Shabar Mantra and the practitioner will be able to practice it without initiation from a Spiritual Master or Teacher.

Notes: Both the Sadhanas apply only to those Shabar Mantras that need Guru Diksha and not to all Shabar Mantras.

Information about Shabar, Vedic, Tantric Mantras and rituals, rules, and regulations connected to these Mantras can be seen in the section Articles on Mantra Shastra.
