In this post, I have written about an Uncommon and Powerful All People Attracting Vashikaran Yantra and Vashikaran Love Spells using Vashikaran Bhasma of the Hair and Nails to Charm and Mesmerize a Desired Man or Lady.
The Vashikaran Yantra and Upay are simple and easy to implement and hence very useful for common people wishing to practice uncomplicated Vashikaran Experiments because they do not need the use of difficult rituals and chanting of Vashikaran or Mohini Mantras.
Powerful Vashikaran Yantra for All Men and Women Vashikaran: The Vashikaran Yantra described below should be drawn on white paper with green ink pen or marker and placed in a metal or waterproof cloth locket and worn around the neck as a Love Charm or Vashikaran Taweez.
The effects of this Vashikaran Yantra will be visible from the first day itself and it will increase the popularity of the practitioner. He will be able to charm all people, including desired ones. The Vashikaran Yantra will be useful in attracting desired lovers, enchanting business and job associates and colleagues, and maintaining friendly relations with family members, relatives, and neighbors.
The Vashikaran Yantra has been composed using a combination of Hindi / Devanagari Alphabets and should be written as shown in the image of the Yantra given below.

Note: The Hindi video of this Vashikaran Yantra can be viewed on our channel Prophet666: Chamatkari Sarva Lok Vashikaran Taweez
Vashikaran By Hair and Nails:
If you really love some man or woman and wish to cast a Vashikaran Love Spell on that person, then these two Vashikaran Totke can be helpful for you:
1] Vashikaran By Hair: The practitioner should procure the desired man or lady's hair and burn it to ash to make the Vashikaran Bhasma. Feeding a little bit of this Vashikaran Bhasma to the desired person will make that person fall madly in love with the practitioner.
4] Vashikaran By Nails: The Love Spell cast by burning all the Nails of the hands and feet of the practitioner and feeding a little bit of the Bhasma to the desired person will have the same effect.
These two Vashikaran Spells will be effective if there is already some bond between the spell caster and the desired person. They will not work with complete strangers or people who are not suitable for the practitioner.
Note: All information contained in this post is meant only for information purposes and not for actual use. Readers can see more interesting Indian Vashikaran Love Spells in the sections Vashikaran Upay and Totke and Vashikaran Yantras and Charms.
The Vashikaran Yantra and Upay are simple and easy to implement and hence very useful for common people wishing to practice uncomplicated Vashikaran Experiments because they do not need the use of difficult rituals and chanting of Vashikaran or Mohini Mantras.
Powerful Vashikaran Yantra for All Men and Women Vashikaran: The Vashikaran Yantra described below should be drawn on white paper with green ink pen or marker and placed in a metal or waterproof cloth locket and worn around the neck as a Love Charm or Vashikaran Taweez.
The effects of this Vashikaran Yantra will be visible from the first day itself and it will increase the popularity of the practitioner. He will be able to charm all people, including desired ones. The Vashikaran Yantra will be useful in attracting desired lovers, enchanting business and job associates and colleagues, and maintaining friendly relations with family members, relatives, and neighbors.
The Vashikaran Yantra has been composed using a combination of Hindi / Devanagari Alphabets and should be written as shown in the image of the Yantra given below.

Note: The Hindi video of this Vashikaran Yantra can be viewed on our channel Prophet666: Chamatkari Sarva Lok Vashikaran Taweez
Vashikaran By Hair and Nails:
If you really love some man or woman and wish to cast a Vashikaran Love Spell on that person, then these two Vashikaran Totke can be helpful for you:
1] Vashikaran By Hair: The practitioner should procure the desired man or lady's hair and burn it to ash to make the Vashikaran Bhasma. Feeding a little bit of this Vashikaran Bhasma to the desired person will make that person fall madly in love with the practitioner.
4] Vashikaran By Nails: The Love Spell cast by burning all the Nails of the hands and feet of the practitioner and feeding a little bit of the Bhasma to the desired person will have the same effect.
These two Vashikaran Spells will be effective if there is already some bond between the spell caster and the desired person. They will not work with complete strangers or people who are not suitable for the practitioner.
Note: All information contained in this post is meant only for information purposes and not for actual use. Readers can see more interesting Indian Vashikaran Love Spells in the sections Vashikaran Upay and Totke and Vashikaran Yantras and Charms.
Sir hair shd b of practicner or desired person. It is not matching as per mail remedy. Pls guide
ReplyDeleteThe hair should be of the desired man or woman.
DeleteHi Neel sir I am looking for totkas using lime and pins can u pls share some?
ReplyDeleteSir I have a question regarding beej mantra. For example, ऎं some pronounce it as Aim while some as Aing. Same with a lot of other been mantras, some use 'mmm' sound in the end while others use 'ng' in the end. Which is right? If both are right, what is the difference and who should chant which one?
ReplyDeleteThe pronunciations of ऐं is Aim and not Aing, but many people pronounce it is Aing, it all depends on their personal experiences or preferences.
DeletePranam gurudev is yantras ko kis din banana hai our yantras me jo box khali usme kisi ka name likhna our yantras bananeka koi puja karne bidhi niyam hai pls jabab de
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DeleteHello sir. I'm trying to contact you through email but of no result. I'm in a dire situation to get in touch with you regarding my personal issues. I have tried several times with many methods mentioned here but I'm having no results. Can you please send me your contact number or respond to my email please
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