Easy Kundalini Awakening Meditation Technique

In this post, I have described the most potent and fast-working technique of chanting the Kundalini Jagran Mantra of the Seven Kundalini Chakras to stimulate and awaken the dormant Life Energy located at the root or base of the spine. This is probably the Easy Kundalini Awakening Meditation Technique that will give success in Activating the Kundalini Shakti.

The Kundalini Awakening Mool Mantra is very popular and extensively used by Practitioners of Kundalini Meditation. This Mantra comprises of the Root Mantras of the Seven Chakras - Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipur, Anhat, Vishudha, Anja, and Sahasrara. Yet, most aspirants fail to get the necessary result in stimulating and awakening the Kundalini Shakti because they blindly follow what they heard, read, or viewed while practicing the Mantra Meditation.

The Kundalini Meditation should be practiced with a fresh mind because you have not personally experienced how it operates and what are the symptoms of Kundalini Awakening and what happens after it awakens. Your experience is limited to what you have heard, read, or the videos you have seen.

No Doubt, you will gain all kinds of experiences while engaged in Kundalini Meditation. But, how do you know that these are real and authentic experiences or simply the mind is replicating what you want to experience? This means that you are hallucinating and experiencing what is the creation of the mind.

Hence, it is essential to chant this Meditation Mantra without any bias or going into the Meditation with a fixed mindset of what you want to experience based upon the experiences of others, which your mind will create for you. Please remember what you are embarking upon is unknown to you and it will remain so until you until you know it.

Best Kundalini Awakening Meditation Technique

|| लम् वम् रम् यम् हम् ओम् अह् ||
|| Lam Vam Ram Yam Ham Aum Aah ||

How to Practice the Kundalini Awakening Mantra Meditation:
1] It is advisable to start the Kundalini Awakening Mantra Meditation with a Fresh Mind and forget all that you have read, viewed, and heard from others. This is because you personally know nothing about the Kundalini Shakti and how it operates and its relation with the Universe and Cosmic Energy.

2] The practitioner should chant the Mantra at least one hour after eating anything. He should sit down comfortably and chant the Mool Mantra of the Seven Chakras for about 15 Minutes or more until he does not experience any tension or discomfort.

3] Unless you are well-versed in Yoga, it is not essential to sit in a specific posture or breathe in a particular manner.

Notes: The Hindi video of this Mantra to Awaveken the Kundalini Shakti can be viewed on our YouTube Channel: Kundalini Jagran Ka Saral Aur Aasan Tarika

Mantras and Meditation Techniques for Stimulation the Seven Chakras and Raising the Kundalini Shakti can be seen in the section Prophet666.com: Mantra Meditation to Raise the Kundalini Shakti.
