In this post, I have written about a very useful Sarvajan Vashikaran Yantra to attract and hypnotize more than one person simultaneously at a specific place, like a gathering, meeting, conference, or even a meeting connected to a marriage proposal.
This is an uncomplicated Vashikaran Experiment that can be used to get the co-operation of many persons who are present at the specified event or gathering. The Vashikaran Experiment is beneficial for business as well as personal and social meetings.
The Sarvajan Vashikaran Yantra should be prepared by following the method given below:
1] Shubh or Auspicious Dates are not required for making this Vashikaran Yantra and it can be made on any day in the morning after bathing and wearing clean clothes.
2] The Vashikaran Yantra showing the image should be prepared on a Bhojpatra or white paper using any kind of ink or pen.

3] Then, the Vashikaran should be sincerely worshipped by lighting an oil lamp and an incense stick in front of it.
The Vidhi for using the Sarvajan Vashikaran Yantra to attract many people simultaneously:
1] While going to the meeting, the practitioner should keep the Vashikaran Yantra in his or her purse or pocket. The Vashikaran Yantra will generate more Akarshan Shakti if it is worn in the Headgear, like a Cap, Scarf, Turban.
2] After the meeting, the practitioner should remove the Vashikaran Yantra from his body and keep it in his cupboard or any other clean place in his house. If the Vashikaran Yantra gets damaged or spoilt it can be prepared once again by following the same Vidhi described above.
3] The same Sarva Lok Vashikaran Yantra can be used again and again to attract more than one person at the same time. But, remember that using the Yantra for trivial or unimportant purposes will make it less effective and potent.
Notes: The Hindi language version of this Vashikaran Yantra can be seen on our YouTube Channel: Shaktishali Sarvajan Vashikaran Yantra Prayog
Readers can see all kinds of Supernatural Attraction Remedies in the various sections of this site, including the sections on Attraction Mantras, Vashikaran Remedies and Vashikaran Yantras and Charms
This is an uncomplicated Vashikaran Experiment that can be used to get the co-operation of many persons who are present at the specified event or gathering. The Vashikaran Experiment is beneficial for business as well as personal and social meetings.
The Sarvajan Vashikaran Yantra should be prepared by following the method given below:
1] Shubh or Auspicious Dates are not required for making this Vashikaran Yantra and it can be made on any day in the morning after bathing and wearing clean clothes.
2] The Vashikaran Yantra showing the image should be prepared on a Bhojpatra or white paper using any kind of ink or pen.

3] Then, the Vashikaran should be sincerely worshipped by lighting an oil lamp and an incense stick in front of it.
The Vidhi for using the Sarvajan Vashikaran Yantra to attract many people simultaneously:
1] While going to the meeting, the practitioner should keep the Vashikaran Yantra in his or her purse or pocket. The Vashikaran Yantra will generate more Akarshan Shakti if it is worn in the Headgear, like a Cap, Scarf, Turban.
2] After the meeting, the practitioner should remove the Vashikaran Yantra from his body and keep it in his cupboard or any other clean place in his house. If the Vashikaran Yantra gets damaged or spoilt it can be prepared once again by following the same Vidhi described above.
3] The same Sarva Lok Vashikaran Yantra can be used again and again to attract more than one person at the same time. But, remember that using the Yantra for trivial or unimportant purposes will make it less effective and potent.
Notes: The Hindi language version of this Vashikaran Yantra can be seen on our YouTube Channel: Shaktishali Sarvajan Vashikaran Yantra Prayog
Readers can see all kinds of Supernatural Attraction Remedies in the various sections of this site, including the sections on Attraction Mantras, Vashikaran Remedies and Vashikaran Yantras and Charms
Sir what is bhojpatra. I tried getting that. That is not available even in reputed occult stores.
ReplyDeleteSir can this be used in what's app dp to attract clients and students
ReplyDeleteI noticed 5-5 line didn't connect and 4-6 went into the box ? Explain if that's how it must be ?