Powerful Hanuman Mantras for Strength and Success

In this post, I have written about two small but very powerful, effective, and fast working Hanuman Mantras to gain unimaginable strength, courage, bravery and to get name, fame, and success.

Hanuman Mantra to gain Strength and Remove Fear:

This Hanuman Mantra is based upon Name Number 36: Mahabala Parakrama / महाबल पराक्रम which is described in the Shri Hanuman Ashtottara Shatnam Namavali or the 108 Names of Lord Hanuman.

Benefits of chanting this Hanuman Mantra:

1] The Hanuman Mantra removes every kind of fear and negative energy from the body, aura, and surroundings of the practitioner and makes him physically and mentally strong, courageous, and powerful.

2] The Hanuman Mantra also removes fear from all enemies, including hidden enemies, fear of voodoo black magic and Tantric Spells, evil-eye, curses, fear from invisible beings, including ghosts-spirits and demons. 

3] Chanting this Hanuman Mantra makes the practitioner confident and self-assured and he remains unfazed even during the most trying and difficult situations.

ॐ महाबल पराक्रमाय नमः|

Om Mahabala Parakramaya Namah |

The meaning of this Hanuman Mantra in Hindi and English: महाबली और पराक्रमी श्री हनुमान जि को मेरा नमन / I Salute the most powerful and valorous Shri Hanuman

How to chant this Hanuman Mantra:

1] The Hanuman Mantra can be chanted as and when needed to remove fear and danger or whenever the practitioner is feeling scared and uncomfortable.

2] If the practitioner is suffering from any kind of long-term fear or phobia, then, he can chant the Hanuman Mantra for a fixed period of time daily, like 5 minutes in the morning or at night before going to sleep or at both these times.

The Hindi language video of this Hanuman Mantra can be seen on our YouTube Channel; Turant Bal Aur Takat Prapt Karne Ka Shaktishali Hanuman Mantra
Powerful Hanuman Mantras for Courage and Brains

Hanuman Mantra to Gain Name, Fame, and Success:

This Hanuman Mantra is derived from Name Number 84: Vyapak / व्यापक which is described in the Shri Hanuman Sahasranamaavali or the 1000 Names of Lord Hanuman.

Benefits of this Lord Hanuman Mantra:

1] The Hanuman Mantra is very useful for anyone who has not gained success despite trying everything and putting in his best efforts.

3] The Hanuman Mantra removes all obstacles that are preventing success in a job or business or delaying the marriage of the practitioner.

3] The Hanuman Mantra is also beneficial in getting your due position or place in the job, business or society because it gives name, fame, and glory to deserving persons.

4] Along with the benefits mentioned above, the Hanuman Mantra also gives all kinds of prosperity, including money, wealth, and property.

The procedure of chanting this Hanuman Mantra:

The practitioner can take a Sankalp or Pledge to chant the Hanuman Mantra a fixed number of times for a fixed number of days. If he is uncomfortable using a Mala, then, he can chant the Mantra for a fixed period of time, like 5 minutes.

ॐ व्यापकाय नमः ||

Om Vyaapakaaya Namah ||

The meaning of this Mantra of Lord Hanuman: सर्वव्यापी श्री हनुमान जी को मेरा नमन। / I Salute the All-Encompassing Lord Hanuman

The Hindi version of this Hanuman Mantra can be seen on our YouTube Channel: Safalta Aur Izzat Paane Ka Satik Hanuman Mantra

Note; All kinds of powerful and effective Mantras, Yantras, and Prayers dedicated to Lord Hanuman can be seen in the section on Hanuman Mantra and Tantra


  1. Sir, there is one more Hanuman mantra for strength and Athleticism:
    Om Hoom Hanumate Vijayam.
    108 times per day after bath. Humble request if u could make a post on this.

    1. This Mantra - written in Hindi -ॐ हुं हनुमते विजयं, is more popular among Western or European devotees of Hanuman and it can be chanted verbally or mentally for about 5-10 minutes or 108 times daily, there is also no special Vidhi connected to this Mantra.


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