In this post, I have described a very effective Meditation Mantra for concentrating on the true Form of Guru Dattatreya, who is the sum total or combined Form of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh.
Over the past several years, I have described the real nature of Guru Dattatreya and some very effective and beneficial methods of worshipping him. This post has specially written for those aspiring spiritualists who are finding it difficult to concentrate on the Form of the Ever Existent or Omnipresent “God”
Adi Shankaracharya’s Prayer:
Adi Shankara, arguably the most advanced spiritualist of all times used to pray to Guru Dattatreya by chanting the Prarthana given below. This simple prayer will be sufficient for the reader to understand the true nature of Dattatreya Bhagwan.
“I repeatedly pray to the Bhagwan Dattatreya, the One who is Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva at the same time. Who symbolizes divine knowledge, whose garments are the sky and earth and who is nothing but pure intelligence”

About this Mantra to concentrate upon Lord Dattatreya:
This Mantra is based upon Names Number 4,5 and 6 of Lord Dattatreya that have been described in the Shri Dattatreya Ashtottara Shatanamavali Stotra or 108 Names of Lord Dattatreya.
ॐ ब्रह्मदत्ताय नमः ||
ॐ विष्णुदत्ताय नमः ||
ॐ शिवदत्ताय नमः ||
Om Vishnudattaaya Namah ||
Om Brahmadattaaya Namah ||
Om Shivadattaaya Namah ||
How to chant this Guru Dattatreya Mantra:
1] I will not prescribe any particular method of chanting this Mantra, but it is essential that the practitioner does Smaran of Guru Dattatreya and then commences chanting this Mantra.
2] The practitioner can chant the Mantra at any time of the day or night, mentally or verbally as many times as he likes.
The benefit of this Meditation:
If the practitioner succeeds in becoming one with Guru Dattatreya, his level of existence will automatically become be elevated to the level of Saints and Siddh Sadhaks and he will gain tremendous spiritual knowledge and supernatural powers of all kinds. He will be able to heal others and perform miracles.
Guru Dattatreya is the Trilok Guru or the Guru of All the Three Worlds, he is also the Supreme Guru of the Navnath Sampradaya and many of the greatest saints and Sadhaks were disciples of Guru Dattatreya.
The Hindi language video of this article can be seen on our YouTube Channel – Brahmand Ki Shaktishali Urja Par Dhyan Kendrit Karne Ka Saral Mantra
Notes- Many Mantras, Yantras, and Prayers dedicated to Lord Dattatreya can be seen in the section on Mantras and Tantra of Lord Dattatreya.
Over the past several years, I have described the real nature of Guru Dattatreya and some very effective and beneficial methods of worshipping him. This post has specially written for those aspiring spiritualists who are finding it difficult to concentrate on the Form of the Ever Existent or Omnipresent “God”
Adi Shankaracharya’s Prayer:
Adi Shankara, arguably the most advanced spiritualist of all times used to pray to Guru Dattatreya by chanting the Prarthana given below. This simple prayer will be sufficient for the reader to understand the true nature of Dattatreya Bhagwan.
“I repeatedly pray to the Bhagwan Dattatreya, the One who is Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva at the same time. Who symbolizes divine knowledge, whose garments are the sky and earth and who is nothing but pure intelligence”

About this Mantra to concentrate upon Lord Dattatreya:
This Mantra is based upon Names Number 4,5 and 6 of Lord Dattatreya that have been described in the Shri Dattatreya Ashtottara Shatanamavali Stotra or 108 Names of Lord Dattatreya.
ॐ ब्रह्मदत्ताय नमः ||
ॐ विष्णुदत्ताय नमः ||
ॐ शिवदत्ताय नमः ||
Om Vishnudattaaya Namah ||
Om Brahmadattaaya Namah ||
Om Shivadattaaya Namah ||
How to chant this Guru Dattatreya Mantra:
1] I will not prescribe any particular method of chanting this Mantra, but it is essential that the practitioner does Smaran of Guru Dattatreya and then commences chanting this Mantra.
2] The practitioner can chant the Mantra at any time of the day or night, mentally or verbally as many times as he likes.
The benefit of this Meditation:
If the practitioner succeeds in becoming one with Guru Dattatreya, his level of existence will automatically become be elevated to the level of Saints and Siddh Sadhaks and he will gain tremendous spiritual knowledge and supernatural powers of all kinds. He will be able to heal others and perform miracles.
Guru Dattatreya is the Trilok Guru or the Guru of All the Three Worlds, he is also the Supreme Guru of the Navnath Sampradaya and many of the greatest saints and Sadhaks were disciples of Guru Dattatreya.
The Hindi language video of this article can be seen on our YouTube Channel – Brahmand Ki Shaktishali Urja Par Dhyan Kendrit Karne Ka Saral Mantra
Notes- Many Mantras, Yantras, and Prayers dedicated to Lord Dattatreya can be seen in the section on Mantras and Tantra of Lord Dattatreya.
ReplyDeleteDatta stotra is termed as "DATTA STAVA". The stotra contains only 9 slokas and one has to chant 9times everyday without fail. Whoever chant 9 times everyday for 40days, their desires will be definitely fulfilled with the blessings of Lord Dattatreya.
Sri Datta Stava---
Sri Ganesaya Namah Sri Sarasvatyai Namah
Sri Padavallabha Narasimha Sarasvathi
Sriguru Dattatreyaya Namah
1. Dattatreyam mahatmanam varadam bhakta vatsalam
Prapannarthi haram vande smartrgami Sanovatu
2. Dinabandum Krpasindhum sarvakarana karanam
Sarva raksakaram vande smartrgami sanovatu
3. Saranagata dinarta paritrana parayanam
Narayanam vibhum vande smartrgami sanovatu
4. Sarvanartha haram devam sarva mangala mangalam
Sarvaklesa haram vande smartrgami sanovatu
5. Brahmanyam dharma tattvajnam bhakta kirti vivardhanam
Bhaktabhista pradam vande smartrgami sanovatu
6. Sosanam papapankasya dipanam jnanatejasah
Tapa prasamanam vande smartrgami sanovatu
7. Sarvaroga prasamanam sarvapida nivaranam
Vipaduddharanam vande smartrgami sanovatu
8. Janmasamsara bandhajnam svarupananda dayakam
Nissreyasa padam vande smartrgami sanovatu
9. Jaya labha yasah kama datu rdattasya yastavam
Bhogamoksha prada syemam prapathet sakriti bhavet
---Recite the Stotra 9 times daily for 40 days.Stotra has to be recited before taking breakfast and having bath only.
हम हिंदी भाषी लोगा का भी खयाल रखीये satyanidhi जी
Deleteश्री दत्तात्रेय स्तव श्री गणेशाय नमः। श्री सरस्वत्यै नमः।
Deleteश्री पाद वल्लभ नृसिंह सरस्वतीश्री गुरु दत्तात्रेय नमः ।
दत्तात्रेयं महात्मानं वरदं भक्तवत्सलं
प्रपन्नार्ति हरं वन्दे स्मतृगामि सनोवतु ॥ १ ॥
दीनबंधुं कृपासिन्धुं सर्वकारण कारणं
सर्व रक्षाकरं वन्दे स्मतृगामि सनोवतु ॥ २ ॥
शरणागत दीनार्त परित्राण परायणं
नारायणं विभुं वन्दे स्मतृगामि सनोवतु ॥ ३ ॥
सर्वानर्थ हरं देवं सर्वमङ्गल मङ्गलं
सर्व क्लेश हरं वन्दे स्मतृगामि सनोवतु ॥ ४ ॥
ब्रह्मण्यं धर्मतत्त्वज्ञं भक्त कीर्ति विवर्धनं
भक्ताभीष्ट प्रदं वन्दे स्मतृगामि सनोवतु ॥ ५ ॥
शोषणं पाप पंकस्य दीपनं ज्ञानतेजसः
ताप प्रसमनं वन्दे स्मतृगामि सनोवतु ॥ ६ ॥
सर्वरोग प्रशमनं सर्वपीडा निवारणं
विपदुद्धरणं वन्दे स्मतृगामि सनोवतु ॥ ७ ॥
जन्म संसार बन्धज्ञं स्वरूपानन्द दायकं
निश्श्रेयस पदं वन्दे स्मतृगामि सनोवतु ॥ ८ ॥
जयलाभ यशः काम दातु र्दत्तस्य यस्तवं
भोगमोक्ष प्रदस्येमं प्रपठेत् सुकृती भवेत् ॥ ९ ॥