In this post, I have written about a mail from a reader who wishes to know whether the after-effects of the Blackmagic, Witchcraft, and Tantrik Rituals, which were practiced by his ancestors are affecting him and his family even after the demise of the ancestors.
The Mail from a Reader regarding inherited Blackmagic:
Dear Neel Ji, I am an active reader of your blog.
I have a question and would like to get your view. My grandmother used to do powerful and dangerous spells and get them done by Tantriks which resulted in disruption of peace and love.
She used to tell that her mother (my great grandmother ) could see Lord Hanuman from within and surely she could use immense powers to impose powerful magic and completely change the system.
She even subdued my grandfather and made him submit to her and do whatever she says. My grandfather even tried to kill his physically disabled brothers under her influence. She separated my parents by igniting fights in them. One Tantrik said that she had cut the Bakre Ka Sir (head of a goat) and buried it in her house so that none else could do magic.
Now that she is dead ( died a year ago), does her magic remain?
If yes, tell me how to undo that?
And my father has been under her Powerful Mantra and Tantras. He would neglect his wife and children and his in-laws (even after her death) and only think about his mother and do everything that pleased her. The same is true for his brothers.
Please help me out and give me complete guidance which I can use to get my father back and everything gets normal.
I hope you understand the situation and would surely answer this mail.

My findings regarding this case of Blackmagic:
1] The Blackmagic and Tantrik Rituals practiced by his ancestors have affected the minds of the reader and his family members, which has resulted in the accumulation of negative energy.
2] This normally happens because of fear, fear is symbolic of weak and low energy in the mind and body. Hence, the reader and his family members have attracted weak energy, which is also a form of negative energy.
3] The simplest method to remove the negative energy and attract powerful positive energy is to chant a Mantra of his favored deity. If he does not have any Ishta Devta, he can chant a powerful Mantra like Shri Gurudev Datta ||, Om Hanumate Namah ||, Om Namah Shivaya || or Om Namo Narayanaya || or any other powerful Mantra. These are small and Most Powerful Mantras, which attract tremendous positive and protective energy.
4] Another simple, but tried and tested method of exorcising the negative energy is to put a tablespoon of rock salt or Sendha Namak in his bathwater every day.
5] These are the simplest methods of exorcising the accumulated negative energy instantly. As the father of the reader has attracted most of the negative energy and appears to be the most affected these methods can also be practiced by him along with the reader.
6] The fear of the Blackmagic, which is in the minds of the reader and his family members will instantly disappear if they practice the simple remedies given above with strong will-power, faith, and confidence.
Dear Neel Ji, I am an active reader of your blog.
I have a question and would like to get your view. My grandmother used to do powerful and dangerous spells and get them done by Tantriks which resulted in disruption of peace and love.
She used to tell that her mother (my great grandmother ) could see Lord Hanuman from within and surely she could use immense powers to impose powerful magic and completely change the system.
She even subdued my grandfather and made him submit to her and do whatever she says. My grandfather even tried to kill his physically disabled brothers under her influence. She separated my parents by igniting fights in them. One Tantrik said that she had cut the Bakre Ka Sir (head of a goat) and buried it in her house so that none else could do magic.
Now that she is dead ( died a year ago), does her magic remain?
If yes, tell me how to undo that?
And my father has been under her Powerful Mantra and Tantras. He would neglect his wife and children and his in-laws (even after her death) and only think about his mother and do everything that pleased her. The same is true for his brothers.
Please help me out and give me complete guidance which I can use to get my father back and everything gets normal.
I hope you understand the situation and would surely answer this mail.

My findings regarding this case of Blackmagic:
1] The Blackmagic and Tantrik Rituals practiced by his ancestors have affected the minds of the reader and his family members, which has resulted in the accumulation of negative energy.
2] This normally happens because of fear, fear is symbolic of weak and low energy in the mind and body. Hence, the reader and his family members have attracted weak energy, which is also a form of negative energy.
3] The simplest method to remove the negative energy and attract powerful positive energy is to chant a Mantra of his favored deity. If he does not have any Ishta Devta, he can chant a powerful Mantra like Shri Gurudev Datta ||, Om Hanumate Namah ||, Om Namah Shivaya || or Om Namo Narayanaya || or any other powerful Mantra. These are small and Most Powerful Mantras, which attract tremendous positive and protective energy.
4] Another simple, but tried and tested method of exorcising the negative energy is to put a tablespoon of rock salt or Sendha Namak in his bathwater every day.
5] These are the simplest methods of exorcising the accumulated negative energy instantly. As the father of the reader has attracted most of the negative energy and appears to be the most affected these methods can also be practiced by him along with the reader.
6] The fear of the Blackmagic, which is in the minds of the reader and his family members will instantly disappear if they practice the simple remedies given above with strong will-power, faith, and confidence.
I am most definitely not an expert on any of these things, but the Bajrang Baal seems to be appropriate in this context. What do others think?
ReplyDeleteYes 100%.
DeletePlease get Chandi Paath done from a learned Brahmin. Also do homam of Dattatreya maha mantra. All your problems will vanquish.
ReplyDeleteनीलजी द्वारा बताये गए सुझाव समीचीन व् अनुकूल हैं।
ReplyDeleteदादी के स्वर्गवास के बाद अब तांत्रिक क्रियाएं तो समाप्त हो गई हैं और आगे नहीं होंगी। घर के वातावरण में जो थोड़ा बहुत प्रभाव बचा होगा ,उसके लिए घर में एक जगह पूजास्थल बनाकर अपने कुलदेव /कुलदेवी या इष्टदेव /इष्टदेवी की रोज आराधना करें। या फिर गणेश ,राम ,काली आदि की मूर्ती/चित्र रखकर उनकी पूजा किया करें। इससे सात्विक वातावरण बनेगा। यदि पहले से ही ऐसा कर रहे हैं तो उसे करते रहें। अप्रैल में १३ से २१ तक चैत्र नवरात्रि हैं। दुर्गा सप्त शती का पाठ करना उचित होगा।
अथर्व वेद में आधियों,व्याधियों को दूर करने के लिए कुछ मंत्र हैं। विभिन्न प्रकार के रोगों के निवारण हेतु निम्न मन्त्र है --
अपेहि मनसस्पते अपक्राम पुरश्चर ।
परो निरऋत्या आ चकश्व बहुधा जीवतो मनः ।।
आपके पिताजी यदि जप करने के लिए तैयार हों ,तो यह मन्त्र जपें।
यदि वे किसी कारण न जप सकें या अनिच्च्ठुक हों ,तो आप अपने दोनों हाथों की दसों अँगुलियों को उनके उनके पूरे शरीर पर निम्न मंत्र पढ़ते हुए अभिमर्ष करें। अभिमर्ष का तात्पर्य हाथों से शरीर का संस्पर्श है।
अभिमर्ष करने से शरीरगत रोग दूर होते हैं। प्रेतबाधा,कृत्यादूषण,ग्रहदोष दूर होते हैं। अभिमर्ष विद्या के मंत्र ये हैं --
अयं में हस्तो भगवानयं में भगवत्तरः ।
अयं में विश्व भेषजः अयं शिवाभिमर्शनः ।
हस्ताभ्यां दशशाखाभ्यां जिह्वा वाचा पुरोयवी ।
अनामायित्नुभ्याम हस्ताभ्यां ताभ्यां त्वाभिभृशामसि ।।
--आप न कर सकें तो किसी अन्य योग्य व्यक्ति से करा लें। अभिमर्ष के समय पिताजी को अजीब अनुभूति हो सकती है ,लेकिन वे स्वस्थ हो जाएंगे। कुछ दिन करें ,रोज २-३ बार १० -१५ मिनट्स तक अभिमर्ष कर सकते हैं।
बजरंग बाण प्रयोग भूत,नजर ,टोना ,भय,अनिद्रा रोग आदि दूर करने के लिए अचूक हैं। हनुमानजी की मूर्ति या चित्र के सामने आत्मविश्वास पूर्वक उनका ध्यान करते हुए यह धारणा मन में करें कि हनुमानजी की दिव्य शक्तियां धीरे धीरे शरीर के अंग अंग में प्रवेश कर रही हैं। शरीर के हर परमाणु दिव्य शक्तियों से उत्तेजित होते हैं। इसके बाद स्नान,चन्दन,पुष्प,,आरती और फल के भोग द्वारा हनुमानजी का पूजन कर प्रणाम पूर्वक "अतुलित बल धामम ------"श्लोक पढ़ें और बजरंग बाण का पाठ करें। इस अनुष्ठान को मासिक धर्म के दिनों को छोड़कर स्त्रियां भी कर सकती हैं।
don't do any think, keep tulusi pot in front of house put every day water , and make Diya (light lamp) also . day by day every problem will vanish..
ReplyDeleteSir mujhe bhi Lagta hai ki hum pe Kisi Ki buri najar hai.lakh Kosis Kar ke bhi humara shop Nahi chal Raha hai aur hum karje main hai.Agar koi Karja SE mukti aur dukan ki grahaki badhane Ka koi mantra janta ho to pls bataye badi meherbani hogi
ReplyDelete(१)जैन तंत्र में व्यापार लाभ के लिए निम्न मन्त्र है ,जिसे रोज दिन में तीन बार (सुबह,दिन ,शाम /या रात )एक माला जपें --
Deleteॐ ह्रीं श्रीं अर्ह अ सि आ उ सा अनाहत विधेयं अर्ह नमः ।
(२)इस मन्त्र से अक्षत ५०० बार मन्त्रित करके बिकने वाली चीजों पर डालने से क्रय विक्रय में लाभ होता है --
ॐ नमो भगवउ गोयमस्स सिद्धस्स बुध्दस्स अक्खीण महाणसस्स अवतर अवतर स्वाहा ।
(३) क्रय विक्रय में लाभ के लिए यह मन्त्र भी है। अक्षत ५०० बार मन्त्रित कर सामग्री में छिड़कें --
ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं धन धान्य करि महाविद्ये अवतर अवतर मम गृहे धन धान्यं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा।
(४)कर्ज मुक्ति के लिए इस ब्लॉग की बहुत सी पोस्ट्स में मन्त्र हैं ,उन्हें देखें। ऋण-हरण-कर्तृ-गणपति-स्तोत्र का भक्ति-भाव से शुक्ल पक्ष के बुधवार से नित्य २१ पाठ गणेश जी के सम्मुख करे |
Hi to other readers of prophet666 site.just wanted to say or add here about what i think i know or it goes..
DeleteIf one starts believing in things as above or even things related to curses of ancestors or kula devatas or if one fears about the impacts of planetary doshas,then it all starts working towards our down bringing(hope readers understand my point here) and at the same time if one do not have the above fears then it does not show any fact personally I had seen many times that slightly good natured people who has some believe in all these spiritual things,getting affected for not performing prayers or rites and i had also seen egoistic people with bad attitudes who does not beleive in such things,are not affected at all by such spiritual things and they go on leading a great life.i am a matured 51 year old man and my observation about things are quite keen.just wanted to post my views here and its certainly not meant to offend any one in any way.i was born a Hindu and would like to die as a Hindu,even though Hindus and hinduism as a whole has millions and millions of I think it would be easier if one does not bother about the impacts of such spiritual problems.thank you
The video of the third Mantra is published on our YouTube Channel -
Delete@Neel N guruji do u have Facebook insta or twitter handle so we can contact u
DeleteHi to continuation of my above comment..i think it would be really wise to let go of any spiritual fears.the more one thinks about such problems or shows fear,then its impact on us would be suggestion is this 1.believe in god,be it one with a form or without a form 2.believe in our capacity to clear problems good deeds when ever we can and even helping out neighbours is good enough 4.doing physical exercises for better health and mind would always boost our self confidence and i want to add this as number 5.drink plenty of clean water.thank you and my comments are not meant to hurt any one in any way
ReplyDeleteI am helpless now, its is all about my brother. My ancestors did blackmagic from my father's side. We did many things to cure but no use. On purnima and amavasya something come inside my brother and he tries to kill my mother. No baba nothing working. 1 year he was good and normal but some "baba" came and did something wrong after that it happened.. i don't know what to do, every day we have to face.. pls help
ReplyDeleteI am helpless now, its is all about my brother. My ancestors did blackmagic from my father's side. We did many things to cure but no use. On purnima and amavasya something come inside my brother and he tries to kill my mother. No baba nothing working. 1 year he was good and normal but some "baba" came and did something wrong after that it happened.. i don't know what to do, every day we have to face.. pls help
ReplyDeleteCould you email me