In this post, I have written about two simpler but effective Islamic Shatru Mukh Stambhan or Enemy Immobilization Mantra Experiments to shut down or silence all activities of enemies, rivals, and jealous competitors.
In the Hindi language, these Stambham Mantra Experiments are called Dushman Ki Jubaan Band Kare Ke Mantra, which in the literal sense of the term means to bring all malefic and harmful actions of enemies to an end.
In the past, I have written about several such Shatru Mukh Stambhan Mantra Prayogas, including variations of the Mantras described in this post.
However, the two Mantra Experiments given below are simpler than the earlier ones because they do not have to be Mastered by chanting them for a specified number of times and by practicing a specific Tantra or ritual.
First Shatru Mukh Stambhan Mantra Prayog
This Stambhan Mantra has to be chanted 31 times and then the practitioner has to blow his breath in the direction of the enemy.
Second Shatru Mukh Stambhan Mantra Prayog
1] The practitioner has to keep chanting this Stambhan Mantra and keep blowing his breath in the direction of the enemy.
2] There is no specified number of Mantra Chants prescribed for this Stambhan Mantra. However, it has to be regularly practiced on an enemy until the practitioner gets the desired results.
For both the Stambhan Mantra Experiments
1] They can be practiced on any day and there is no Puja-Vidhi involved.
2] The work Amuk-अमुक in both these Mantras should be replaced by the names of the targeted enemies.
Notes- See the sections of Mantra and Tantra for Enemies and Muslim Mantras and Tantra for related Mantra Experiments for revolving problems connected to enemies.
In this age of Pandemics, we are exploring certain Mantra Experiments using Tulpas or invisible beings, which function like robotic programs and try to hunt down your enemies, including hidden ones and punish them according to their deeds.
If anyone has tried such experiments or knows about them, then, they can share their experiences in the comments sections.
In the Hindi language, these Stambham Mantra Experiments are called Dushman Ki Jubaan Band Kare Ke Mantra, which in the literal sense of the term means to bring all malefic and harmful actions of enemies to an end.
In the past, I have written about several such Shatru Mukh Stambhan Mantra Prayogas, including variations of the Mantras described in this post.
However, the two Mantra Experiments given below are simpler than the earlier ones because they do not have to be Mastered by chanting them for a specified number of times and by practicing a specific Tantra or ritual.
First Shatru Mukh Stambhan Mantra Prayog
This Stambhan Mantra has to be chanted 31 times and then the practitioner has to blow his breath in the direction of the enemy.
ओं नमो वली या वली [अमुक ] का चश्मा कुलुफ उसका बाजू कुलुफ [ अमुक ] को जेर कर हमको सेर कर ||
Aum Namo Vali Ya Vali [Amuk] Ka Chasma Kuluf Uska Bajoo Kuluf [Amuk] Ko Jer Kar Hamko Ser Kar ||
Second Shatru Mukh Stambhan Mantra Prayog
1] The practitioner has to keep chanting this Stambhan Mantra and keep blowing his breath in the direction of the enemy.
शाह आलम कुतब आम जेर कर [ अमुक] को दफे करो जालिम ||
Shah Alam Kutab Aam Jer Kar [Amuk] Ko Dafe Karo Jalim ||
2] There is no specified number of Mantra Chants prescribed for this Stambhan Mantra. However, it has to be regularly practiced on an enemy until the practitioner gets the desired results.
For both the Stambhan Mantra Experiments
1] They can be practiced on any day and there is no Puja-Vidhi involved.
2] The work Amuk-अमुक in both these Mantras should be replaced by the names of the targeted enemies.
Notes- See the sections of Mantra and Tantra for Enemies and Muslim Mantras and Tantra for related Mantra Experiments for revolving problems connected to enemies.
In this age of Pandemics, we are exploring certain Mantra Experiments using Tulpas or invisible beings, which function like robotic programs and try to hunt down your enemies, including hidden ones and punish them according to their deeds.
If anyone has tried such experiments or knows about them, then, they can share their experiences in the comments sections.
शत्रुनाश,स्वरक्षा ,अरिष्ट प्रशमन और अभिचार विनाश के लिए "वैरिनाशनं कालीकवचम्"कापाठ करें। विधि इस प्रकार है ---
ॐ अस्य श्रीकालिकाकवचस्य भैरव ऋषिः ,गायत्री छन्द:,श्रीकालिकादेवता,
ह्रीं बीजं , ह्रूँ शक्तिः ,क्लीं कीलकं,शत्रुसङ्घनाशनार्थे पाठे विनियोगः ।
ध्यायेत् कालीं महामायां त्रिनेत्रां बहुरूपिणीम् ।
चतुर्भुजां ललज्जिह्वां पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम् ॥
नीलोत्पलदलश्यामां शत्रुसङ्घविदारिणीम् ।
नरमुण्डं तथा खड्गं कमलं वरदं तथा ॥
विभ्राणां रक्तवदनां दंष्ट्रालीं घोररूपिणीम् ।
अट्टाट्टहासनिरतां सर्वदा च दिगम्बराम् ॥
शवासनस्थितां देवीं मुण्डमालाविभूषणाम् ।
कवच पाठ करें ----
कालिका घोररूपाद्या सर्वकामफलप्रदा ।
सर्वदेवस्तुता देवी शत्रुनाशं करोतु मे ॥
ॐ ह्रीं स्वरूपिणीं चैव ह्राँ ह्रीं ह्रूँ रूपिणी तथा ।
ह्राँ ह्रीं ह्रैं ह्रौं स्वरूपा च सदा शत्रून् प्रणश्यतु ॥
श्रीं ह्रीं ऐं रूपिणी देवी भवबन्धविमोचिनी ।
ह्रीं सकलां ह्रीं रिपुश्च सा हन्तु सर्वदा मम ॥
यथा शुम्भो हतो दैत्यो निशुम्भश्च महासुरः ।
वैरिनाशाय वन्दे तां कालिकां शङ्करप्रियाम् ॥
ब्राह्मी शैवी वैष्णवी च वाराही नारसिंहिका ।
कौमार्यैन्द्री च चामुण्डा खादन्तु मम विद्विषः ॥
सुरेश्वरी घोररूपा चण्डमुण्डविनाशिनी ।
मुण्डमाला धृताङ्गी च सर्वतः पातु मा सदा ॥
अथ मन्त्रः - ह्रां ह्रीं कालिके घोरदंष्ट्रे च रुधिरप्रिये ।
रूधिरापूर्णवक्त्रे च रूधिरेणावृतस्तनि ॥
मम सर्वशत्रून् खादय खादय हिंस हिंस मारय मारय भिन्धि भिन्धि
छिन्धि छिन्धि उच्चाटय उच्चाटय विद्रावय विद्रावय शोषय शोषय
स्वाहा ।
ह्रां ह्रीं कालिकायै मदीयशत्रून् समर्पय स्वाहा ।
ॐ जय जय किरि किरि किट किट मर्द मर्द मोहय मोहय हर हर मम
रिपून् ध्वंसय ध्वंसय भक्षय भक्षय त्रोटय त्रोटय यातुधानान्
चामुण्डे सर्वजनान् राजपुरुषान् स्त्रियो मम वश्याः कुरु कुरु अश्वान् गजान्
दिव्यकामिनीः पुत्रान् राजश्रियं देहि देहि तनु तनु धान्यं धनं यक्षं
क्षां क्षूं क्षैं क्षौं क्षं क्षः स्वाहा ।
-----एक हजार पाठ से सिद्धि होती है।
Satyanidhi ji,
Deleteमेरे माता-पिता उस व्यक्ति के साथ मेरी शादी को ठीक करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं जो मुझे पसंद नहीं है। क्या आप मुझे इस गठबंधन को रद्द करने का कोई उपाय सुझा सकते हैं?