Prophecies of Coronavirus and End Times Famine

Are the Famine Prophecies made by Nostradamus and those contained in the Third Seal in the Book of Tribulation in some way connected to the Coronavirus or COVID 19, which has changed the lifestyle of most people around the world, including India?

No one would have even remotely imagined that we would be living under a “lockdown” a few months back.  Most people, associate the word “lockdown” as something to do with an industrial dispute or strike that had led to a temporary closure of an industrial unit.

A few months back, most people, would have laughed and made fun of you had you suggested that a country, like India, Italy, Spain, UK, USA, Russia along with many other countries would be placed under lock-down.

Prophecies of Nostradamus on Coronavirus and End Times Famine

Plague and Famine go hand in hand in most of the Apocalypse or End-Time Prophecies, including those mentioned in the Book Of Tribulation or in The Prophecies of Nostradamus.

I had written an article about the Prophecies of Nostradamus on Coronavirus on 18th March when about 7 to 8 thousand people have died because of the virus, now in a matter of about 15 days, the number of deaths has crossed 50, 000 with over a Million infected cases. That post can be seen here – Did Nostradamus Predict the Coronavirus Pandemic

If the spread is not contained it could lead to a situation similar to that described in the Third Seal of Famine contained in the Book of Revelation.

The Famine Prophecies of Nostradamus can be seen here – Apocalypse and the Famine Predictions made by Nostradamus and those mentioned in the 3rd Seal can be seen here – The Third Seal of Famine and End Time Prophecies

There are many other prophecies that are also connected to death by disease and famine contained in the Prophecies of Nostradamus and the Bible Prophecies. But, I have selected the two prophecies mentioned above because they are connected to the End-Times or the Apocalypse.

As mentioned many times in earlier posts, End-Times or Apocalypse does not mean the end of humanity but a change in the evolution cycle of humans. Evolution is triggered-off by drastic changes in the environment of the earth that make life forms adapt to the changes by changing themselves.

I am not saying that diseases, famines, wars and natural disasters will immediately transform life forms, but it could another step in the natural evolutionary cycles of life forms.

The human mind as intended by the creator cannot be confined or locked down, its real nature is to expand and grow. Hence, nature will intervene and ensure that the natural evolutionary cycle continues.

Disease, Famines, Wars and Natural Disasters will be the triggers that will change humans. In 2009,  I had written a small article on the real truth of Extra- Terrestrials in which I had said that they are actually the descendants of humans who are Time-Travelers. That article can be seen here -  The Real Truth and Meaning of Extra-Terrestrials

Please note, that I am not saying that all these prophecies are most certainly connected to Coronavirus. But, it could be one of the possible that candidates that has the capacity to trigger off change.

Notes- See more articles on Prophecies and End-Times in the various sections on Prophecies and Predictions.


  1. This are very distressing predictions that appear to be on the brink of fulfillment. It is terrible to known that famine follows epidemics and now it seems inevitable.

  2. In bhagvadgita,Almighty said,I m the father whom give power to this material world,nothing can survive within material world unless almighty permission,so Covid19 in the view of human knowledge is infectious but it's also a part and child of almighty.So,we have no rights to say "Go Corona Go" but it's upto almighty🌺🌸🙏

  3. Nostradmus also predict Diane, the Angel of the Moon


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