Nostradamus and Coronavirus Epidemic Prediction

Over the past few days, many people have been asked me whether Nostradamus had predicted about Coronavirus (COVID-19) in The Prophecies and if Coronavirus was a part of the Great Plagues, which are contained in the Centuries of Nostradamus.

I had written about the coming plagues that are predicted in Century 5-Quatrain 90 and Quatrain 63 in the year 2009. That post can be seen here – The Coming Plagues Prophesied by Nostradamus.

These plagues are also a part of the series of Natural Disasters, Wars and Miraculous Events that would climax into the New Age that comes after unprecedented death and destruction of life and property.

If One looks closely at both the Quatrains contained in Century 90 of The Prophecies it is evident and Famine and Plague go hand in hand and this situation would last for nine months. These Quatrains also mention locations in Italy, which is among those countries that are most affected by Coronavirus.

Did Nostradamus Make Coronavirus Epidemic Prediction

According to The Prophecies, Plagues and Famines will be followed by Global Revolutions, Financial Collapses,  Wars, and Natural Disasters. This is the sequence of events that will occur before the commencement of the New Cycle.

Another Prophecy of Nostradamus predicts that about a Huge War planned in the West, which comes along with an Economic Crash and Pestilence [Epidemic]. I had written about this prophecy in 2011, you can read about it here – Huge War Planned in the West

However, one thing is clear that Coronavirus has triggered off a Global Fear Psychosis with vested interests accusing each other of artificially creating this fear psychosis. There are a lot of conspiracy theories going around, including theories that Coronavirus has been created in a Lab and that the artificial fear psychosis is meant to divert attention from a possible financial meltdown and attribute it to Coronavirus.

It is still unclear who is behind these conspiracy theories and the real truth behind these theories.

Some people can point out that even though 7 to 8 thousand people have died of Coronavirus more than 80, 000 people have recovered from the virus.

It would be worthwhile to point out that according to available data about 140 Million people are infected by dysentery every year and about 600, 000 of them die and about 7.2 million people die of heart diseases every year.

However, I would advise people to take all the precautions advised by medical science to avoid being infected with Coronavirus, like washing your hands, avoid physical contact and going to crowded places.

Not much is known about Coronavirus, hence, it is better to stay safe than sorry. The real truth is somewhere is hidden somewhere between the lines. I will be writing more on this subject in the near future. 
