3 Effective Mantra to Remove Black Magic

In this post, I have written about 3 Parvidya or Kiya Karaya Chhedan or Bhedan Mantras or Mantras to repulse, remove or reverse Voodoo Black magic Spells or Kala Jadu Tona and other malefic Tantrik Spells that are aimed at harming the practitioner.

These Black magic Removal Spells are unique Protection Spells that have their origins in Jainism and are said to work effectively in exorcising the Black magic from the body and surroundings of a possessed person.

3 Effective Indian Spells to Remove Black Magic

The procedure of using these Black magic Removal Mantras
1] The working of all these 3 Black magic Exorcism Mantras is similar and free from any kind of worship or ritual. There is no Siddhi Sadhana prescribed for these Mantras as they are Siddh Mantras. If anyone has more information about this aspect, then they can share their knowledge with other readers of this site.

2] The possessed person or the person who is showing symptoms of being affected by Black magic should keep chanting any one of the 3 Exorcism Mantras given in this post until he experiences relief.

3] In case, it is suspected that someone is the target of the Evil-Eye or Malevolent gaze, then that person is advised to chant the selected Mantra for 1 Mala or 108 Mantra Repetitions daily until relief is experienced.

1] मंत्र 
धुणसि चंचुली लवं कुली पर विद्या फट स्वाहा हूं फट स्वाहा ||
Dhunasi Chanchuli Lavama Kuli Par Vidya Fatt Swaha Hoom Fatt Swaha ||

2] मंत्र 
ॐ स्फ्र: हूँ फट् ||
Om Sfrah Hoom Fatt ||

3] मंत्र 
ॐ णमो पत्तेय बुद्धाणं ||
Om Namo Patteya Buddhanam ||

Notes- All information contained in this post is based upon Tantrik Texts and has been given in this post only to give knowledge about traditional and ancient Indian Paranormal Practices.

Please see the sections on Exorcism Mantras and Rituals and various other sections of this site for many more Exorcism and Self-Protection Spells and Remedies.
