Hanuman is easily one of the most popular of the Hindu Gods and Goddesses and also one of the most worshiped. We regularly get repeated queries from women devotees of Hanuman, asking if is is all right for women to worship Hanuman, I hope this post will address that question to the satisfaction of women devotees of Hanuman.
Some people have always advocated that Hanuman should not be worshiped by women or that women should engage in a restricted or specific form of worship of Hanuman, especially unmarried women. I do not know from where or how this belief first originated, it could probably be connected to the fact that Hanuman has been classified as a Bal Brahmachari.
I have come across many Hanuman Chalisa Groups in which women get together on specific Tithis to collectively chant the Hanuman Chalisa and some Hanuman Mantras.
There is also a confusion on whether the Bajrang Baan can be recited by women, in my opinion, they can chant it, except during the days of their Monthly Cycle, in the same manner like most other Mantras, Stotras and Prarthanas.
Hanuman can also be considered to be a role model for respect towards women as he considered every women to be his mother and looked at women in the same manner.
In my opinion, this belief, first originated from some vested interests who created it for some motivated purpose. Even, some versions of the Ramayana have been modified by vested interests to give religious or divine sanctions for their actions.
This, was probably at that period of time more of a social problem rather and a one connected to religion and some people modified the scriptures to suit their interests.
The most blatant example is the incident in some versions of the Ramayana, in which Shri Ram is said to have ordered that molten lead should be poured into the ears of a Shudra who was secretly listening to the recitation of the Vedas, this resulted in a most painful death for the poor man.
This imaginary incident, which was inserted by vested interests in the Ramayana is often quoted by opponents and critics of the Hindu Way of Life to justify their opinions and defame Hinduism.
The origin of Shabar or Shabari Vidya can be traced back to Shabari, a low caste or Shudra woman who was a great devotee of Shri Ram. Shri Ram, not only consumed the fruits which were partially eaten by Shabari, but also blessed here with divine knowledge.
Hanuman is Chiranjeevi or immortal and it is the experience of many devotees of Hanuman that he appears in some form or the other to help and aid his true devotees, when ever the devotee worships him with sincerity, belief and confidence.
Many Shabar Vidya Sadhkas, especially from the Navnath Sampradaya have experienced the grace of Hanuman and is probably the reason why he is probably the most invoked deity in a wide range of Shabar Mantras, including those relayed to healing, annihilation of enemies and evil spirits, getting wealth and money and also for love and marriage.
Note- All kinds of Mantras, Stotras, Prayers, Tone and Totke dedicated to Hanuman can be seen in the section on – Hanuman Mantras and Prayers
Some people have always advocated that Hanuman should not be worshiped by women or that women should engage in a restricted or specific form of worship of Hanuman, especially unmarried women. I do not know from where or how this belief first originated, it could probably be connected to the fact that Hanuman has been classified as a Bal Brahmachari.
I have come across many Hanuman Chalisa Groups in which women get together on specific Tithis to collectively chant the Hanuman Chalisa and some Hanuman Mantras.
There is also a confusion on whether the Bajrang Baan can be recited by women, in my opinion, they can chant it, except during the days of their Monthly Cycle, in the same manner like most other Mantras, Stotras and Prarthanas.
Hanuman can also be considered to be a role model for respect towards women as he considered every women to be his mother and looked at women in the same manner.
In my opinion, this belief, first originated from some vested interests who created it for some motivated purpose. Even, some versions of the Ramayana have been modified by vested interests to give religious or divine sanctions for their actions.
This, was probably at that period of time more of a social problem rather and a one connected to religion and some people modified the scriptures to suit their interests.
The most blatant example is the incident in some versions of the Ramayana, in which Shri Ram is said to have ordered that molten lead should be poured into the ears of a Shudra who was secretly listening to the recitation of the Vedas, this resulted in a most painful death for the poor man.
This imaginary incident, which was inserted by vested interests in the Ramayana is often quoted by opponents and critics of the Hindu Way of Life to justify their opinions and defame Hinduism.
The origin of Shabar or Shabari Vidya can be traced back to Shabari, a low caste or Shudra woman who was a great devotee of Shri Ram. Shri Ram, not only consumed the fruits which were partially eaten by Shabari, but also blessed here with divine knowledge.
Hanuman is Chiranjeevi or immortal and it is the experience of many devotees of Hanuman that he appears in some form or the other to help and aid his true devotees, when ever the devotee worships him with sincerity, belief and confidence.
Many Shabar Vidya Sadhkas, especially from the Navnath Sampradaya have experienced the grace of Hanuman and is probably the reason why he is probably the most invoked deity in a wide range of Shabar Mantras, including those relayed to healing, annihilation of enemies and evil spirits, getting wealth and money and also for love and marriage.
Note- All kinds of Mantras, Stotras, Prayers, Tone and Totke dedicated to Hanuman can be seen in the section on – Hanuman Mantras and Prayers
Sir iam devotee of hanuman ji since 5 yrars iam suffering from severe headache pls tell hanuman remedies
ReplyDeleteChant suryamantra for headache in this site.it really works
ReplyDeleteSir, aap ne koun -2 si sadhana ki hai aur kaise ki, sankalp kaise liya, sadhana shuru karne se pehle shield (raksha) mantra ka kaise prayog kia etc. etc.Please hume bataye
ReplyDeleteIsse humey ek practical example milegi
संस्कृत वांग्मय में हनुमानजी से सम्बंधित प्रचुर सामग्री उपलब्ध है .इन्हे शिव का अवतार माना जाता है .वायु पुराण में लिखा है --आश्विन स्यासिते पक्षे स्वात्यां भौमे च मारुतिः l मेषलग्ने S
ReplyDeleteंजना गर्भात स्वयं जातो हरःशिवः ll आश्विन (चान्द्रमास -कार्तिक )के कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी तिथि को स्वाति नक्षत्र और मेष लग्न में माता अंजना के गर्भ से स्वयं भगवान् शंकर ही प्रकट हुए .
वैदिक साहित्य में हनुमानजी का उल्लेख मिलता है ,परन्तु कहीं यह नहीं कहा गया है कि इनकी पूजा स्त्रियां नहीं कर सकती .पुराण,उपनिषद,संहिता आदि साहित्य में भी ऐसा निषेध देखने को नहीं मिलता .लौकिक साहित्य में भी ऐसा कोई उल्लेख नहीं मिलता कि हनुमानजी की उपासना स्त्रियों के लिए वर्जित है .अगस्त्य सार संहिता में वर्णित एकादश हनुमत्कवच से
विदित होता है कि महान विदुषी और साध्वी लोपामुद्रा हनुमानजी की उपासक थी तथा अपने पति अगस्त्य से हनुमानजी से सम्बंधित यंत्र मन्त्रों पर चर्चा करती थी .उन्होंने ही कवच सुनाने की प्रार्थना की थी --दयां कुरु मयि प्राणनाथ वेदितुमुत्सहे ।कवचं वायुपुत्रस्य एकादशमुखात्मनः ॥ ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण के अनुसार पार्वतीजी ने शंकरजी से पूछा कि संग्राम,घोर संकट,भूत प्रेतादिक भय ,दुःख दावाग्नि संतप्त चित्त वाले शोकाकुल लोगों की किस उपाय से रक्षा हो सकती है ,तब शंकरजी ने एकमुखी हनुमत्कवच का वर्णन किया.इसमें कहीं भी निर्देश नहीं है कि केवल पुरुष ही इसका पाठ करें ,स्त्रियां न करें .
सुदर्शन संहिता में पंचमुख हनुमत्कवच में शिवजी कहते हैं -उचारणे समर्थानां शास्त्रनिष्ठावतां सदा ।कवचपाठ का अधिकारी वही है जो उच्चारण में समर्थ हो और शास्त्रों के प्रति निष्ठा रखता हो .आशय यही है कि स्त्री हो या पुरुष ,यदि समर्थ है तो हनुमत उपासना का अधिकारी है .
यह तो पोंगापंथियों ,धर्म की अनर्गल व्याख्या करने वाले ठेकेदारों ,और स्त्रियों को दोयम दर्जे का मानने वालों ढोंगियों का कारनामा है कि स्त्रियों के लिए हनुमत पूजन का निषेध करते हैं .
तेलंगाना के खम्मम जिले में हनुमान जी और उनकी पत्नी सुर्वचला की पूजा होती है। यहां पर बना यह पुराना मंदिर सालों से नर नारियों के आकर्षण का केंद्र रहा है।कहा जाता है कि हनुमान जी के उनकी पत्नी के साथ दर्शन करने के बाद घर मे चल रहे पति पत्नी के बीच के सारे तनाव खत्म हो जाते हैं. हनुमान सूर्य देवता को अपना गुरु मानते थे। सूर्य देव के पास 9 दिव्य विद्याएं थी ,उन्होंने 5 विद्याएं तो हनुमानजी को दे दी , लेकिन शेष दिव्य विद्याओं का ज्ञान सिर्फ उन्हीं शिष्यों को दिया जा सकता था जो विवाहित हों।इस समस्या के निराकरण के लिए सूर्य देव ने हनुमानजी से विवाह करने की बात कही। पहले तो हनुमानजी विवाह के लिए राजी नहीं हुए, लेकिन उन्हें शेष 4 विद्याओं का ज्ञान पाना ही था। इस कारण हनुमानजी ने विवाह के लिए हां कर दी। सूर्य देव ने हनुमान जी को तपस्या में रत अपनी पुत्री सुवर्चला से शादी करने को कहा। सूर्य देव ने यह भी बताया कि सुवर्चला से विवाह के बाद भी तुम सदैव बाल ब्रह्मचारी ही रहोगे, क्योंकि विवाह के बाद सुवर्चला पुन: तपस्या में लीन हो जाएगी।इसके बाद हनुमान जी ने अपनी शिक्षा पूर्ण की और सुवर्चला सदा के लिए अपनी तपस्या में रत हो गई।इस तरह हनुमान जी भले ही शादी के बंधन में बंध गए हो लेकिन शारीरिक रूप से वे आज भी एक ब्रह्मचारी ही हैं.पराशर संहिता में लिखा है कि खुद सूर्यदेव ने इस शादी पर यह कहा कि यह शादी ब्रह्मांड के कल्याण के लिए ही हुई है और इससे हनुमान जी का ब्रह्मचर्य भी प्रभावित नहीं हुआ.
Guruji in your opinion can a woman also touch Hanuman murti in mandir & also put sindoor? I am located in U.S. & the temple is not crowded. Please advise, thank you.