A most powerful Vashikaran Mantra to attract anything and anyone in all the 3 planes of existence was posted many years back on this site. An updated version of the same Vashikaran Mantra was converted into video format, there are slight differences between the original and updated versions depending upon the experience and feedback received from Sadhaks who tried that Vashikaran Mantra and got results.
This is a tried and tested Vashikaran Mantra, which is attributed with the power of attracting unknown and unseen beings from Heaven or Dev Loka and Hell or the Underworld or the Neither world. The Sadhak is then able to get the help of these mystical beings from other worlds in getting his tasks or jobs done as per his desire.
The Vashikaran Mantra works for both men and women to attract their desired love partners or appear to be attractive and enchanting to other people and also beings from other planes, which, I have described in the above paragraph.
Some Sadhaks have had great results in being able to win over other people, including a desired lover but the other attribute of the Vashikaran Mantra, which is to win over mystical beings from unseen and unknown worlds is yet to be fully ascertained. Hence, this site cannot certify to this attribute.
The video can be seen here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3vmRAhZYCY
If anyone tries this Vashikaran Mantra and get the desired results, please share your experiences with others in the comments section.
However, a word of caution is necessary, because, if someone tries the Mantra, just for fun or in a non-serious manner then the consequences will not be pleasant to say the least.
We always attempt to improvise on older Vashikaran Tantras and try to adapt them according to the experiences and feedback, which we regularly get from advanced practitioners of the Vashikaran Tantra.
This is a tried and tested Vashikaran Mantra, which is attributed with the power of attracting unknown and unseen beings from Heaven or Dev Loka and Hell or the Underworld or the Neither world. The Sadhak is then able to get the help of these mystical beings from other worlds in getting his tasks or jobs done as per his desire.
The Vashikaran Mantra works for both men and women to attract their desired love partners or appear to be attractive and enchanting to other people and also beings from other planes, which, I have described in the above paragraph.
Some Sadhaks have had great results in being able to win over other people, including a desired lover but the other attribute of the Vashikaran Mantra, which is to win over mystical beings from unseen and unknown worlds is yet to be fully ascertained. Hence, this site cannot certify to this attribute.
The video can be seen here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3vmRAhZYCY
If anyone tries this Vashikaran Mantra and get the desired results, please share your experiences with others in the comments section.
However, a word of caution is necessary, because, if someone tries the Mantra, just for fun or in a non-serious manner then the consequences will not be pleasant to say the least.
We always attempt to improvise on older Vashikaran Tantras and try to adapt them according to the experiences and feedback, which we regularly get from advanced practitioners of the Vashikaran Tantra.
Hi sir, my query is not regarding this post bt important one, actually I wanna know if we read any strotra which has phalashruti n we read that strotra more that one as 21 tyms then do we read phalashruti every tym or only one tym in
ReplyDeletear starting n one at end, kindky plz reply.
Neil ji, Humble Pranams,
ReplyDeleteSome query and need Ur clarification pls,
1. It is it had to be do e all 20000 in 1 sitting, or can be divided in all 09 days during Navratri,
2. Appreciate if u could check the video, is the reading correct, as the whole of it change,
As per video it is - aum yempara Shobha Yam bhagavati ,,,,,,
Or it is as -
AUM yempara shobhayam bhagavati,,,,,
3. The 2nd last word is Rachhe or rakche
4. For putting Tilak, do we need to chant mantra , if yes, approx how many times, which finger to be used, generally for vashikaran it's the thumb,,,,
Kindly suggest
Thanks n regards
Respected Neil ji,
ReplyDeleteAppreciate Ur earlier reply to my previous query, after going thru the video attached,
Incontinutation, do we need to carry on with few mala on daily basis or its just a 1 time mantra Sadhana,
येंपरक्षोभयंभगवती is one word the other word is रछे
ReplyDeleteAs per the Vashikaran Tantra the 20,000 chants should be done continiously taking a break only for essentail things, like going to the toilet, having food ets.
It is a one time Mantra Sadhana.
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DeleteNeil ji,
DeleteFor the Tilak, whats the procedure, do we need to chant mantra few times, how many times, also do we need to focus on the deity, how, kindly suggest,
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