A fast working Vashikaran Mantra composed in the remote hypnotism style or a combination of Sammohan and Tratak Style of attracting anyone, including a wished for man or woman for the motive of love, physical relationship, marriage of for business and commercial purposes is described in this post.
This Vashikaran Mantrahas been earlier posted on this site and it has been modified and converted into video format in the Hindi language.
The Vashikaran Tantra is very effective and fast working and its success depends upon the concentration levels of the practitioner and if he is able to fully focus on the targeted person, while chanting the Vashikaran Mantra.
Other than the Mantra Chanting, the practitioner does not have to follow any other kind of Tantra or ritual, which are likely to make him loose his concentration.
This Vashikaran Mantra is also called as the Mansik or Chitta Attraction Mantra, meaning that the practitioner has to make his thoughts enter the mind of the targeted person and take over the mind by appearing to be irresistible to the targeted person.
Even though, the Vashikaran Mantra appears to be simple it is a most powerful Vashikaran Chant because the name of Lord Bhairava appears in the wordings of the Mantra.
However. The practitioner should not ponder over the wordings of the Vashikaran Mantra or anything else and only practice it as described in the video.
Those, who have seen this Vashikaran Mantra earlier on this site and are fully conversant with it can skip the video, it is especially meant for the large number of laypersons and others who are not fully conversant with Vashikaaran procedures and have to be explained in simpler terms.
This Vashikaran Mantra video can be seen here -
Even though, the prescribed number of Mantra Chants for making this Vashikaran Mantra work and get you the desired results is 36, 000 Mantra Chants, it is likely that it will start working earlier, but the practitioner has to complete the prescribed number of Mantra Chants in as few days as possible. This is for making the effects of the Vashikaran Mantra to last longer.
Note- If you utilize this Vashikaran just for fun, trivial or malicious purposes or in a non- serious manner, just to see what happens, then it will not work and it is most likely that it will affect your mind adversely and backfire upon you.
This Vashikaran Mantrahas been earlier posted on this site and it has been modified and converted into video format in the Hindi language.
The Vashikaran Tantra is very effective and fast working and its success depends upon the concentration levels of the practitioner and if he is able to fully focus on the targeted person, while chanting the Vashikaran Mantra.
Other than the Mantra Chanting, the practitioner does not have to follow any other kind of Tantra or ritual, which are likely to make him loose his concentration.
This Vashikaran Mantra is also called as the Mansik or Chitta Attraction Mantra, meaning that the practitioner has to make his thoughts enter the mind of the targeted person and take over the mind by appearing to be irresistible to the targeted person.
Even though, the Vashikaran Mantra appears to be simple it is a most powerful Vashikaran Chant because the name of Lord Bhairava appears in the wordings of the Mantra.
However. The practitioner should not ponder over the wordings of the Vashikaran Mantra or anything else and only practice it as described in the video.
Those, who have seen this Vashikaran Mantra earlier on this site and are fully conversant with it can skip the video, it is especially meant for the large number of laypersons and others who are not fully conversant with Vashikaaran procedures and have to be explained in simpler terms.
This Vashikaran Mantra video can be seen here -
Even though, the prescribed number of Mantra Chants for making this Vashikaran Mantra work and get you the desired results is 36, 000 Mantra Chants, it is likely that it will start working earlier, but the practitioner has to complete the prescribed number of Mantra Chants in as few days as possible. This is for making the effects of the Vashikaran Mantra to last longer.
Note- If you utilize this Vashikaran just for fun, trivial or malicious purposes or in a non- serious manner, just to see what happens, then it will not work and it is most likely that it will affect your mind adversely and backfire upon you.
Will this work on the person staying in another country?
ReplyDeleteHello Mr. Neel... Request you to kindly reply to me as it has been very critical to me at this point of time. Will the above mantra will work on a person who is out of country(Australia). He is my husband and has been no news from him since Long time. Hope to have a reply from you soon. Thanks in advance!!
ReplyDeleteIt will work, but success depends upon the intensity with with you practice the Mnatra.
DeleteDear Mr. Neel... Thank you for your kind replay. I am glad to see your response. Also please let me know Can I do this chanting any time of day or only at particular time. If anytime then Can I take my lunch and do it. Since I come from a Brahmin family, I am worried about this. Thanks in advance!!
ReplyDeletePranam pranaM neel sir any duet restrictions for this mantra prayog ..Though am eggitarian how to balance between chanting please guide as soon ..Thankful to you
ReplyDeleteThere are no diet restriction.
DeleteSir, so we have to complite the jaap of 36000 with AMUKASYA in Mantra and to use it we will replace the Amukasya with name of the person?
ReplyDeleteTo use, how many time to chent
Hello sir!!!Can I chant this mantra 108 times or less in one day?Please tell me,I only want your opinion....
ReplyDeletePranam Sir,
ReplyDeleteAs said in the video, to use a rudrakas mala for Japa, but can we use other mala, or tally counter.