Upay for Success and Prosperity of Factory

A paranormal remedy for the success, prosperity and proper and trouble free functioning of a factory or any other manufacturing unit where good or articles of any kind are manufactured has been described by me in this post.

This remedy, which is called as Karkhana Ke Unnati Ka Aur Pareshani Dur Karne Ka Upay Ya Totka can be performed on any Saturday by following the basic guidelines given below.

1] A hole measuring 1 ¼ feet has to dug in the ground, in any place, which comes under the premises of the factory.

2] Then, 100 grams of Kale Til[black sesame seeds] and 125 grams of oil[any edible oil] has to be put inside the hole. Then, a large oil lamp has to be lit in- front of the hole.

3] The oil lamp should be lit daily until the completion of 7 Saturdays. This comes to 49 days.

4] After, the completion of the 7 Saturdays, the oil lamp has to be put inside the hole and the hole should be closed permanently by covering it with mud.

5] Then, on any Tuesday or Saturday, Naivedya of Mithai or sweets and a lit oil lamp have to be offered to a Peepal Tree by keeping them in front of the Peepal Tree.

This Upay is said to ensure the proper functioning and success of the manufacturing unit and it is also said to remove and repulse the bad energies present inside the premises and also repulse such energies from entering the premises.

The Upay will also prevent paranormal breakages and malfunctioning of the machines and manufacturing equipment inside the factory and ensure that they function smoothly. A related remedy can be seen here-Paranormal Remedy for the Protection of Machines

The Upay is valid for all manufacturing units, not matter how small or large.

The remedy can also be termed as a specific kind of Vastu Dosh Removal Upay for the Factory.
