Mantra for Intolerable Money Problems

This Mantra, which, I have given in this post is said to be most suitable for resolving the money and financial difficulties of those people who are suffering from the intolerable burden of debts. By intolerable, I mean that these people could become bankrupt and be out on the streets or go to jail, if the debts are not settled.

The Mantra is dedicated to Rukmini-Vallabh or Krishna as the consort of Rukmini or Rukmini as the Avatar of the Goddess of Wealth and Abundance Lakshmi and Shri Krishna as the Avatar of Lord Vishnu.

Hence, this Mantra is considered to be a most powerful, beneficial and effective Satvik Mantra Chant for a wide range of purposes.

This Mantra is very popular among unmarried girls to remove delays and difficulties in marriage. I have also, in the past prescribed this Mantra for resolving problem causing delays in getting married.

Rukmini Vallabh Mantra for Intolerable Money Problems
Mantra for Intolerable Money Problems

It is the experience of many people that this Mantra also works in resolving even the most difficult and impossible Money and Debts related problems. The practitioner will be able to find means and ways of repaying his debts by finding other sources and avoid landing into severe legal problems.

Those people who are left with little options, including divine intervention can try chanting 1 Mala or 108 Mantra Chants daily, using a Rudraksha, Kamalgata or a Sphatik Mala to count the number of Mantra Chants.

The Mantra Chanting can be done in the morning or evenings, there are no specific rules or regulations, if a woman is chanting the Mantra, then she should discontinue it during the continuance of her Monthly Cycle.


  1. मन्त्र भगवान् कृष्ण को समर्पित है ,जिन्हे रुक्मिणीवल्लभ कहा गया है ,याने रुक्मिणी और कृष्ण दोनों को ही स्मरण किया गया है .अत:मंत्रजाप के पूर्व पूजास्थल में इष्टदेव ,गुरु ,गणेश का ध्यान व् पूजन करें .देवी रुक्मिणी व् भगवान् कृष्ण का पंचोपचार पूजन करें .रोज मंत्रजाप अधिक से अधिक संख्या में करें .


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