In this post, I have written about a simple breathing exercise experiment to attract your lover, desired lover, husband, wife or ex-lover and cast a Voodoo Love Spell upon that person. This experiment is a form of hypnotic telepathic suggestion by which you can implant your thoughts or ideas into the mind of another person and make that person fall in love with you.
The exercise can done in the morning or evening and is said to yield good results if it is performed for one hour daily at the same timing for a period of either 7, 21 or 40 days.
Before starting this experiment, you have to take a mental Sankalp[pledge] as to how many days you are going to perform this breathing attraction experiment.
1] Perform this experiment in a calm, quite and clean room, where there is absolutely no chance of being disturbed.
2] Spread a piece of cloth or sitting mat of a single color, preferably white on the floor and sit down comfortably in a Padmasana Pose. If you do not find it comfortable then you can simply cross your legs and sit down.
3] Close your eyes and clear your lungs and then when your breathing calms down, breath easily through your right nostril.
4] Hold your breath for a second and then exhale through your left nostril.
5] Slowly start increasing the breath retention time and hold your breath until you do not start experiencing any kind of strain or discomfort.
6] From the time you start this exercise, concentrate on the face of your lover, wife or desired lover and then imagine that he or she is standing in-front of you with his or her hands folded and completely under your love spell and eager to please you and act according to your wishes.
Notes- This telepathic suggestion attraction experiment to cast a Voodoo Love Spell on your beloved or desired beloved can also work for attraction any other person like your boss, enemy or business partner.
But, I have specifically mentioned lover because the major factor in getting success in this experiment is intensity of your feelings for the targeted person. If there is little or no intensity then there are remote chances of getting success in planting your thought forms into the mind of the targeted person.
Kindly refrain from practicing this experiment if you are suffering from any breath related ailment or any other related medical condition, which makes it difficult to perform the exercise.
This is a stand-alone love spell, please do not try to incorporate any kind of prayer, religious ritual or Mantra-Tantra with this telepathic experiment.
The exercise can done in the morning or evening and is said to yield good results if it is performed for one hour daily at the same timing for a period of either 7, 21 or 40 days.
1] Perform this experiment in a calm, quite and clean room, where there is absolutely no chance of being disturbed.
2] Spread a piece of cloth or sitting mat of a single color, preferably white on the floor and sit down comfortably in a Padmasana Pose. If you do not find it comfortable then you can simply cross your legs and sit down.
3] Close your eyes and clear your lungs and then when your breathing calms down, breath easily through your right nostril.
4] Hold your breath for a second and then exhale through your left nostril.
5] Slowly start increasing the breath retention time and hold your breath until you do not start experiencing any kind of strain or discomfort.
6] From the time you start this exercise, concentrate on the face of your lover, wife or desired lover and then imagine that he or she is standing in-front of you with his or her hands folded and completely under your love spell and eager to please you and act according to your wishes.
Notes- This telepathic suggestion attraction experiment to cast a Voodoo Love Spell on your beloved or desired beloved can also work for attraction any other person like your boss, enemy or business partner.
But, I have specifically mentioned lover because the major factor in getting success in this experiment is intensity of your feelings for the targeted person. If there is little or no intensity then there are remote chances of getting success in planting your thought forms into the mind of the targeted person.
Kindly refrain from practicing this experiment if you are suffering from any breath related ailment or any other related medical condition, which makes it difficult to perform the exercise.
This is a stand-alone love spell, please do not try to incorporate any kind of prayer, religious ritual or Mantra-Tantra with this telepathic experiment.
यह क्रिया पूजा हेतु की जाने वाली संध्या जैसी है .आचमन ,विनियोग,पवित्रीकरण के बाद प्राणायाम विधि की
ReplyDeleteजाती है .पद्मासन में बैठकर नेत्रों को मूंदकर तीन प्राणायाम करने का विधान है .1(पूरक प्राणायाम )-नासिका के
दाहिने छिद्र को अंगूठे से दबाकर बाएं छिद्र से श्वास खींचते हुए नील कमल के सदृश श्यामवर्ण चतुर्भुज विष्णु
का अपनी नाभि में ध्यान किया जाता है .2 (कुम्भक प्राणायाम )-दाहिने छिद्र को दबाये हुए नासिका के बाएं छिद्र
को भी कनिष्ठा और अनामिका से दबाकर श्वास को रोक कमल के आसन पर बैठे हुए रक्तवर्ण चतुर्भुज ब्रह्मा का
अपने ह्रदय में ध्यान किया जाता है .3 (रेचक प्राणायाम )-श्वेतवर्ण त्रिनेत्र शिवजी का अपने ललाट में ध्यान करते
हुए नासिका के दाहिने छिद्र को खोलकर धीरे धीरे श्वास छोड़ा जाता है .ध्यान करते हुए प्रत्येक प्राणायाम में
गायत्री मन्त्र को तीन बार जपा जाता है .
Should we inhale through right nostril and exhale through left OR alternate it between left and right (like in pranayama)? Kindly clarify (as this seems unusual in balance of energy in the body to do for an hour).
Do it as described in the post, do not do it if you have any breathing problems.