Spell to Remote View Actions of Enemy

This magical spell to remotely visualize the actions of an enemy, including his or her plots, plans and schemes appears in the western text on magical arts, witchcraft, black arts, talismans and spells, the Book of Forbidden Knowledge.

The book specifically mentions that this particular spell was used most effectively during the 30 Years War, which was period of religious strife in Europe during the Middle Ages during, which millions of people were killed.

The spell appears most simple at first sight and is essentially an exercise in remote viewing. However, at the outset, I should mention that the success is such paranormal experiments largely depend upon the degree of extrasensory perception skills present in the practitioner.

To practice this spell a large and plain mirror should be taken and inserted inside a frame on three sides with the left side of mirror kept unframed.

Then, the mirror should be placed pointing towards the direction in which the enemy is residing or is supposed to be active.

The text says that the practitioner will be able to seen all the enemies schemes and maneuverings in the mirror.

Note- Remote viewing experiments are practiced separately by the military and secret service agencies of many countries, including America and India. 


  1. Dear Neel ji, Just a question, I have doing path for so long and my punditji does puja for me also but I don't seen any results, he said he does puja for me but it gives good results to him and his wife, so what is the reason that I don't get the results, please answer, I am very confused.

    1. जब आप पाठ स्वयम् करती हैं,तो पूजा स्वयम् क्यों नही करती . पंडित से तभी पूजा करानी चाहिए,जब व्यक्ति किसी बीमारी या शारीरिक अक्षमता के कारण असमर्थ हो.पूजाविधि सरल हैं,तथा कोई भी इन्हे समझ कर आसानी से कर सकता है,पंडित कोई भी पूजा या अनुष्ठान यजमान की ओर से,उसके वास्ते कर रहा है,इसका स्पष्ट उल्लेख होना चाहिए,अन्यथा फल करने वाले को मिलेगा-कराने वाले को नही .

  2. But if someone is going thru a lot of problems, and i can't do shiva abhisheik, or magal puja, I don't know all the details and sanskrit to do all the paths, so i have been asking my pundit ji to do it for me, but I didn't get fruits, his wife got it. its very hard to do everything when i don't know anything and how to do it.

    1. इस स्थिति मे संकल्प आप स्वयं लें .संस्कृत मे आवश्यक नही है ,हिन्दी मे लें .इसमे स्पष्ट कहें की आपकी ओर से श्री ---यह कार्य संपन्न करेंगे .पंडित भी संकल्प मे कहें कि यजमान श्री / श्रीमती --- की ओर से यह कार्य संपन्न करूँगा.
      जहाँ तक इस साइट मे दी गयी साधनाओं को सिद्ध करने का प्रश्न है ,तो उसमे निर्धारित संख्या मे जप
      साधक को स्वयं करना होगा,किसी अन्य से नही कराया जा सकता

    2. You need to do the puja yourself. And, if you can't, you must offer dhan to your pundit appropriately. I am a guru people ask for help, never offer me anything, do you really think I help them? I don't. They expect results for free. I tell them I do the work but I don't. And the reason being is that they do not pay their respects.

  3. Namashkaar. I wish to get a mantra to make my boss retire from her post immediately or make her run away from her job immediately. she is the worst boss any staff could ever get.


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