Jain Mantra for Vashikaran and Regaining Lost Position

This Mantra, which, I have written about in this post is a very effective and beneficial Jain Mantra, which names the most worshiped Jain Tirthankar Parshvanath. This small and easy to pronounce and chant Mantra also contains the Hreem- ह्रीं Sound, which is a most powerful Shakti Beej Mantra along with Om-ॐ.

The Jain Mantra, which is a very potent peace giving chant can be chanted as many times as needed to get mental peace and calm. Mental peace and calm means all your physical and mental needs and cravings are taken care of and you need not bother or get agitated over such wants.

ॐ पार्श्वनाथाय ह्रीं ||
Om Parshvanathya Hreem ||

However, in this post, I have given a Mantra experiment using this most powerful and sacred Jain Mantra Chant, which can be used for any one of the two specific purposes of Vashikaran or for restoring an unseated person back to his original position.

The word Vashikaran in the context of this Mantra means to bring any man, woman, person of authority under a Voodoo Attraction Spell and make that person docile and subservient and control and manage that person.

Restoring an unseated person back to his original position, includes any person who has been suspended from his job or position, the owner of a company who has lost control over his company and has been unseated or any other person who has been disposed off from his position, like a politician.

In such cases the Mantra has to be chanted 100,000 times in as short a period of time as possible to gain Siddhi or Control over the Mantra.

Then, after gaining Siddhi, the practitioner has to chant the Mantra 1000 times twice daily for a total period of 10 days to get success.

Notes- While performing the second half of the Mantra Sadhana, the practitioner should be crystal clear in his mind about what he wants and his desire or want should be very specific and realistic.

As this is a Jain Mantra, while performing the Mantra Experiment, the practitioner should follow the basic rules of Jainism, like absenteeism from non-veg food, chastity, non-violence, honesty and detachment.


  1. So is it like that we have to recite it 1 lakh times so can we divide the each days chant like 15000 chant per day then 5000, 5000 and 5000 3 times a day and for vashikaran how to use it

    1. 100,000 for Siddhi, you can divide it, and then 1000 chants twice a day for 10 days for Vashikaran or other desire.

  2. Can this sadhana be performed to get more than one wish fulfilled?

  3. Sir one more query vashikaran here can also be used for getting desired girl or boy for love purpose and can it be used for wealth or money wish


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