Remedy to Pacify Inauspicious Planets by Shapath

In this post, I have explained a simple Totka based upon the Lal Kitab to pacify inauspicious planets positioned in the horoscope by extracting a Shapath from the inauspicious planet. Shapath in English means promise or vow and this simple astrological remedy tells you how to extract a promise from an adverse, malefic or harmful planet positioned in the horoscope not to trouble or harass and make things difficult for you. In the post below, I have given an example how to extract a promise from a malefic planet [Papi Grahon Ko Shapath Dalna].

If for example Shani [Saturn] is positioned in the Fifth House of the horoscope, it is believed to be inauspicious for the Native. In this case, the Native should take some Badam[Almonds] and go to a Mandir of his Ishta Devta[favored deity] or if the Native does not have any favored deity, then a Ganesh Mandir will do for performing this astrological remedy.  Badam is one of the Shani Karak items, which are used to pacify Shani.

In the Mandir, the Sadhak should keep the Badam in front of the idol of the deity and say a small prayer to Shani not to give inauspicious results. Then the Sadhak should pick up half the Badam and keep them in his house. Then after one year, the Sadhak should immerse the Badam in a flowing water body, like a river, sea or canal.

The same remedy can be performed to extract a Shapath from any inauspicious planet in the horoscope by replacing the Badam with item, which is used to pacify that planet for example –
Shani [Saturn] - Badam, Sesame [Til]
Surya [Sun] – Gud [Jaggery] or Gehun [Wheat Grains]
Guru [Jupiter]-Chickpea [Chana], Jaggery or Turmeric [Haldi]
Moon [Chandra] – Chawal [Rice Grains]
Mars [Mangal] – Jaggery or Arhar Dal
Shukra [Venus] - Rice Grains or Khadi Shakkar [Indian Rock Candy]
Budh [Mercury] - Sugar or Moong Beans
Rahu [North Node] – Sarson Ka Tel [Mustard Oil or Urad Dal
Ketu [South Node] –Kulhti Beans

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  1. Today's post is very useful for masses enlarge. I have done one remedy namely ' Hanuman remedy for money' in which ten almonds were suggested to be taken to hanuman mandir and thdreafter suggested steps, 5 almonds were to be taken back home, then wrapped in yellow cloth and to be kept in cashbox.

    2) in the present case, the remedy for shani if practiced, then how to keep the almonds in home, and after immersion after one year, should the experiment be repeated. In case of rice etc, there also half quantity to be taken back and how to store in house

    1. The almonds or any other items for other planets can be kept in any safe place in the home, including the cupboard ot Puja-Ghar.
      After one year, the remedy need not be practiced as it is prescribed for only one year and the effects are long lasting.

  2. Dear Sir ,
    Thanks for such useful information..
    In case we have Rahu inauspicious or Rahu Dasa than can we perform for Rahu i.e Sarson ka tel or Urad Dal?
    And half we have to keep in temple means if we take 100 gm Sarson ka tel or urad dal, 50 gm we have to keep there and another have to take home?

    Please clarify for performing in best way..


    1. There are more than one options for some planets, hence any one of the prescribed items can be used for the remedy.
      Yes, half of what you offer should be kept in the temple and the other half to be taken home.

  3. if someone is looking for good astrologer who can read your Janam kundali and janampatri then contact astrologer Shandeleyji.

  4. 1) Sir, can the remedy be performed regardless of the position of planets in the horoscope
    2) my shani is in 4th house and will last 8 more years. Will the effect last for 8 years or should I repeat it every 2 years
    3) should the material be immersed AFTER 365 days
    4) any specific days for different planets ?
    5) if many planets are malefic in horoscope, should it be performed for different planets as prescribed in the post
    6) I have not understood the material prescribed for ketu. Sir please explain in some other word or in English
    7) will the effect will start after immersion or after visit to mandir.

    1. For Ketu the material is kulthi beans commonly called Horse Gram in English.
      You can perform the remedy regardless of the position of the planets, if you wish.
      This is a one time remedy and the effects will last for life, hence it is not necessary to repeat the remedy after one or two years.
      You can perform the remedy for many malefic planets at the same time and it can be done on any day and time, however you can also do it on the weekly days of the planets, like Saturday for Shani.

  5. Respected sir, can you please tell the malefic or the harmful planet positions for all the planets. I do not know which planet is harmful in which house. Please help. Thank you.

    1. This can only be known if your Kundali reading is done by a learned jyotishi.

  6. Dear Nitin
    you said that you did remedy for Hanuman for money, I would like to know if it did help you or not? Please reply thank you

  7. Dear Renu, I have not only performed the Hanuman remedy for money but many more remedies, given on this site. Regarding reply to your query, my answer is '100% satisfaction'.

  8. 1) Sir, your guidance is required as to in what quantity items like urad, sugar ,rice ,lumps of jaggery is required for remedy ie whether handful of these items will do or in some 500gm or 1 kg ( total amount carried to temple ) will be OK.
    2) is this remedy alone is sufficient to ward off evil effects of planets as per horoscope or other remedies suggested on this site may also be carried out in parallel for strengthening our cause.
    3) should we also beg pardon for our sins and our follies in our prayer
    4) most important, as per post, it is a shapath, but, as per the language of the post , we are actually praying to the planet in front of the deity.

    1. Any sufficient quantity, like 1, 1/2 or 1/4 Kilograms will be enough. You can take back home approximately half the quantity, it is not essential for it to be exact.
      This remedy is for warding off bad afflictions of planets in the Kundali. You can also try other remedies if you wish to ward off specific problems.
      The Shapath can be taken in ordinary language by asking the planet not to trouble you as you are making the offering with full faith in planet to give you a promise not to harass you.
      You can also beg pardon before taking the promise.

  9. I have also performed the Hanuman Ji totka for MONEY.100% satisfied............Jai Shree Ram

  10. Thank you Rajeev I will deffinately try it and let you know for sure!!!!!!

  11. It has been mentioned urad dal for rahu, is it washed yellow dal or black lentils ( maa sabut)

    1. Any of the two, washed or sabut Urad Dal can be used for Rahu as it is essentially a variation of the same product.

  12. Dear Nitin is today shukla paksha and right time for Hanuman remedy?
    pleasse respond.
    thank you

  13. Dear Nitin today i believe it is shukla paksha is it okay to do hanuman remedy?Can you please tell the proper way to do it and it has to be hanuman mandir or any mandir which has the hanuman murti can be done.please reply
    thank you

  14. Dear Renu, yes presently it is shukla paksha running and as per post it has to be first Saturday of shukla paksha, ie 19th of this month. I went to a temple having idols of different deities and performed the temple part of the remedy before the idol of Sh Hanuman ji. Coming back home, I had wrapped the almonds in the already arranged yellow square piece of cloth ( stitched by corners to make it as handkerchief) and had placed as explained in the post. Regards to Neel Sir, a great scholar indeed.

  15. Sir, the effect of this remedy is life long. The effect starts from immersion of items AFTER one year OR on the day of taking promise before the idol of favoured deity ? Sir, please clear my anxiety.

    1. The effects will start after taking the Shapath, but be sure to immerse the items after one year from taking the Shapath.

    2. Sir, I did shapath and kept half for immersion but during the year we had to change house and during shifting the immersion half got misplaced and untraceable..what to do now .should I do shapath again..pls guide

    3. Yes, you can perform the remedy once again.

  16. Sir , my wife intend to do the remedy for Shukra today only. Sir can the rice be offered in a plastic carry bag and thereafter half of them be carried back in another plastic carry bag ? Sorry to bother you, but sir if possible , please reply almost urgently

    1. Yes, she can do that and take back approximately half the quantity in another carry bag.

  17. Thanks a lot, Sir. I would like to mention one of my important observation about astrologers available. The remedies given in this post are from Lal Kitab and are effective for LIFETIME for pacifying the planets. It is VERY VERY strange that I have met many astrologers who claim to be experts of Lal Kitab but neither me nor I have ever seen these astrologers advising the remedies mentioned by you, Sir, to any of their clients. Perhaps they would have felt losing their business and clients for ever because their say among clients is only due to their induced fear phobia of different planets. Respected Neel Sir, I sincerely feel that all of your posts are of great benefit to society but PARTICULARLY THIS ONE I WOULD LIKE TO RATE AT TOP .

  18. 1) Sir, for Mangal, should it not been pink lentils ( massoor sabut or masar sabut ) instead of Arhar dal because I have heard Arhar dal to be for Jupiter ( Guru)

    2) regarding Jupiter, should haldi be in original root form or powdered ( as used in kitchens ). If in root form, should it be fresh or dry.

    3) is not that ketu is south node ?

    1. Masoor can also be used for Mangal, there are multiple items prescribed for the Navagraha, I have given a sample few,
      Arhar is also related to Mars.
      Haldi is a Guru Karak item any kind of Haldi can be used.
      Thanks for pointing out the Ketu part.

  19. Sir, if I intend to use Masar for Mangal part of the remedy, should I use Masar sabut ( which are greyish by skin).

    {jaggery in my opinion will not last in appearance in its original form , by the end of an year , it may deform by virtue of fungus etc }

    1. It is essentially the same item, but you could use the Sabut Masoor.

  20. Sir, yesterday I performed the remedy for Ketu , exactly as advised by you. I CHANTED the prayer Which I had taken along with me. Surprisingly, my mind got distracted somewhere in between , while I was chanting the prayer.

    Sir, in the above circumstances , will my remedy be effective ?

    1. There will be no problem for you, the mind is known to stray at times. However, bear no self-doubt in the mind as self-doubt is an indicator of low energy levels.

  21. Sir, forwarding this request to you under deep sense of remorse. Today, my son ( 17 years ) has performed the remedy for Shukra but while offering the rice grains, I had an heated argument with my son ( the way it was offered by him ), thereafter he chanted the requisite prayer and carried half of them back home. I am very upset. Your esteemed advice is solicited as I want my son to repeat the remedy today itself. If it can be done, then what to do for earlier rice grains ( half of amount offered ) in our home. Since it is for life long effect, that is why the concern. Sir, please

    1. If you feel that the remedy has not been performed to your satisfaction, you can re-do the remedy.
      The earlier rice grains should be immersed in flowing water.

  22. Since the carried home part of the items have to be immersed AFTER one year,
    If I had performed one remedy on 19 September 2015 and other on 22 September 2015, should they be immersed exactly on 20 September 2015 and 23 September 2015 ie exactly after one year or they can be immersed one-by-one on single day , say, 8-10 days after the completion of one year from the last of the remedies ie say, 2 October 2016.

    1. A few days delay does not matter, you can immerse all the items on 2nd October 2016.

  23. Sir, in my case , one year has passed. Now shradhs ( pitrapaksh) are running. Can I delay the immersion till navratras ?

  24. Replies
    1. नमस्कार.. PlsPcan you share details of hanumanji totka for money...

  25. sir sometimes we are not allowed to touch idol of GOD in temples.There is a barrier b/w GOD'S idol and people worshippin . So in that case can we just place the related offering of planets at a distance on floor and then take back half after doing a prayer for that planet ?Plz tell

    1. thnx sir.Sir one doubt,plz help.Actually i took 1/4 th kg rice and offered prayer then i had put half of it in other poly bag with my hand but left that in temple and bought the other half poly bag to home.Is it ok procedure which i did.I mean after dividing it into half can we pick up anyone of the 2 polybags ?plz help if i did sm wrong

    2. That is ok, if you performed the remedy as mentioned in the post.

    3. thank u so much sir for clearing my doubt and responding .Grateful to you

  26. Namaskar..
    Please inform as to whether the items taken home can be kept in plastic or steel container or have to be kept in cloth..if in cloth then any particular color as per planet..
    Also can this be done in navgraha mandir. .

    1. You can keep them in any container or a piece of cloth.
      It should be done in the Mandir of your Ishta Devta or a Ganesh Mandir.

    2. Please is there any remedy against vashikaran... Any mantra.. Totka.. Kindly help..

  27. Can someone relate the hanumanji totaka for money in detail...


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