Ganpati Visarjan on the day of Anant Chaturdashi marks the conclusion of the annual Ganesha Chaturthi festival in India. On the day of Anant Chaturdashi, most of the Ganesh Murtis are immersed in a water body. There are various reasons given for the reasoning behind the practice of immersion of Ganesha Idols in water, some of them are most relevant. In this post, I have described a Vedic Verse from the Rig-Veda, which probably gives the most relevant reason behind the practice Ganesh Visarjan.
The meaning of this verse from the Eighth Mandala of the Rig-Veda can be interpreted as – Agni {Fire] is present in Jal [Water]; it lies in the form of pure energy in water.
This is the reasoning behind the practice of performing Visarjan of broken or damaged idols and photographs of various deities, torn and damaged religious scriptures and materials used for various religious rites and rituals, including Havans. This is also the main reason behind the practice of Asthi-Visarjan in a water body. By performing Visarjan, the immersed items are not destroyed, discarded or thrown away but offered to water so that they remain in water in the form of pure energy.
Ganesha who is purest form of Yajna [Agni] thus rests in form of pure energy in water. This according to me is probably the most relevant reason behind the practice of Ganpati Visarjan.
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The meaning of this verse from the Eighth Mandala of the Rig-Veda can be interpreted as – Agni {Fire] is present in Jal [Water]; it lies in the form of pure energy in water.
This is the reasoning behind the practice of performing Visarjan of broken or damaged idols and photographs of various deities, torn and damaged religious scriptures and materials used for various religious rites and rituals, including Havans. This is also the main reason behind the practice of Asthi-Visarjan in a water body. By performing Visarjan, the immersed items are not destroyed, discarded or thrown away but offered to water so that they remain in water in the form of pure energy.
Rig-Veda Verse |
Ganesha who is purest form of Yajna [Agni] thus rests in form of pure energy in water. This according to me is probably the most relevant reason behind the practice of Ganpati Visarjan.
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can you tell the procedure to gain sidddhi of hanuman mantra
ReplyDelete''om hum hanumate rudratamkaya hum phat swaha''
can i chant the prescribes 1001 chants after lighting dhoop and jyot
and recite hanuman chalisa and then start the mantra chanting .....after completion of chants what should i do..after gaining siddhi how many times i have to count for infusing with water,,...