Kanya Runa or Bhagini Runa is one of debts left over from the past lives indicated in the Lal kitab. This debt arises due to the cheating, misleading and defrauding a woman or a sister in a past life. In this post is given the astrological indication, signs and the Lal Kitab remedies to rectify and become free from this debt.
Planetary Position- Moon in the third or sixth House of the Horoscope.
Signs- Engaged in the trade of selling small children or interchanging newborn girls at birth or incurring excessive and wasteful expenditure.
Remedies- There are two remedies given in the Lal Kitab to rectify this Karmic defect any one of the two remedies can be practiced.
1] Collect in equal quantity, from al the relations, yellow colored Kavadi/Cowries [yellow colored small seashells] in equal quantity from all the relations and the burn the seashells to ash and immerse the ash in the sea or immerse the seashells in flowing water without burning them.
2] Collect money in equal quantity from all the relations and prepare Sheera, using Pure Ghee and Puris. Feed the Sheera and Puris to 101 girls who have not reached puberty, after washing their feet. Then give Dakshina [donation] in equal quantity to all the 101 girls.
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Planetary Position- Moon in the third or sixth House of the Horoscope.
Signs- Engaged in the trade of selling small children or interchanging newborn girls at birth or incurring excessive and wasteful expenditure.
Remedies- There are two remedies given in the Lal Kitab to rectify this Karmic defect any one of the two remedies can be practiced.
1] Collect in equal quantity, from al the relations, yellow colored Kavadi/Cowries [yellow colored small seashells] in equal quantity from all the relations and the burn the seashells to ash and immerse the ash in the sea or immerse the seashells in flowing water without burning them.
2] Collect money in equal quantity from all the relations and prepare Sheera, using Pure Ghee and Puris. Feed the Sheera and Puris to 101 girls who have not reached puberty, after washing their feet. Then give Dakshina [donation] in equal quantity to all the 101 girls.
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Remedies for problems after marriage for women (prophet666.com)
Lal Kitab Remedies for Clearing Debts (prophet666.com)
Reason for Atma Rin and the Remedy (prophet666.com)
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Reasons for Nisarga Runa and the Remedies (prophet666.com)
Remedies for Unlucky Sun in all 12 Houses (prophet666.com)
Remedies for Weak Mangal in all 12 Houses (prophet666.com)
Remedies for Malefic Mercury in all 12 Houses (prophet666.com)
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Neel bhai,
ReplyDeletedo i have to give cowries and then collect back from them because no one will buy cowries for me. plz guide
No the relations will have to buy the cowries for you.
Deleteneel sir i also having same problem...is there any other remidies like worshiping or any donitaing ....pls teel sir pls....