It will be wrong to assume that the use of Crystal Balls [Sphatik Ball or Gola] in Hindi is restricted to Crystal Gazing and forecasting the future. Buddhism attaches great importance to Crystal Balls; hence, you will normally come across Crystal Balls hanging or kept before the idols of the Buddha. This is so because of the belief that doing so will attract and harness powerful positive energies in the surrounding of the idol.
Crystal Balls are extremely popular as a Feng Shui good luck charm in countries such as China, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore and other cultures, which come under the influence of Buddhism. It is the belief that the Crystal Ball increases love and affection strengthens relations, hence it is lucky to keep it as a good luck charm inside the house.
The South-West is the direction of the Earth Element and as per Feng Shui, the direction of personal, family and marital relations. To increase the strength of this direction Feng Shui advises that two Crystal Balls should be positioned in the South-West Direction of the bedroom, this increase the love and affection between the husband and wife. The Crystal Balls can also be kept in the main sitting room of the house to rectify external and internal Vastu defects of the house.
Genuine Crystal Balls attract the positive energy of the Sun and convert it into rainbow rays, which spread in all directions and harmonize the atmosphere. This is one of the reasons, why Crystal Balls are seen in the reception counter or dining halls of reputed hotels.
You might come across Crystals Pieces of various colors on the roofs of some temples in India as this is said to spread the vibrations emitting from the Mantras, Stotras and Prarthanas, which are being chanted in the temple to spread in all the directions and immediate surroundings of the temple.
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Crystal Balls are extremely popular as a Feng Shui good luck charm in countries such as China, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore and other cultures, which come under the influence of Buddhism. It is the belief that the Crystal Ball increases love and affection strengthens relations, hence it is lucky to keep it as a good luck charm inside the house.
The South-West is the direction of the Earth Element and as per Feng Shui, the direction of personal, family and marital relations. To increase the strength of this direction Feng Shui advises that two Crystal Balls should be positioned in the South-West Direction of the bedroom, this increase the love and affection between the husband and wife. The Crystal Balls can also be kept in the main sitting room of the house to rectify external and internal Vastu defects of the house.
Genuine Crystal Balls attract the positive energy of the Sun and convert it into rainbow rays, which spread in all directions and harmonize the atmosphere. This is one of the reasons, why Crystal Balls are seen in the reception counter or dining halls of reputed hotels.
You might come across Crystals Pieces of various colors on the roofs of some temples in India as this is said to spread the vibrations emitting from the Mantras, Stotras and Prarthanas, which are being chanted in the temple to spread in all the directions and immediate surroundings of the temple.
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I have a friend who is into Feng Shui. I can't see why, to be honest :) Though she writes the best essays I can even imagine. I am totally sharing this post with her.