Laxmi Kavach Yantra - Mantra for Pisces

Finally, we now come to the last of the Zodiac Signs of Pisces or Meen Rashi in Hindi; Pisceans being born under the rulership of a benefic planet have a good business and money instinct and can become rich and wealthy. In this post, is given the Good Luck Laxmi Kavach Yantra along with the specific Mantra to make it work for the sign of Pisces.

Pisceans are independent people who do not wish to be dependants on their children during their old age hence they make provisions for the same and invest safely and wisely. They are of a helpful nature and lend to those who they think can repay back their money.

However, as Saturn is the Lord of their 11th house, the people having a strong Saturnian effect in their Birthcharts, will not always be faithful, Pisceans are well advised not to employ Saturnians, as they will cause them anxiety, loss of name and money. Saturnians are those people having the Ascendant [First House] of Aquarius or Capricorn, those born on Saturdays or those born during the period of the Stars Pushya [Delta Cancri], Aunradha [Delta Scorpio] and Uttarabhadrapada [Gama Pegasi].
The Money and Wealth Attracting Laxmi Kavach Yantra and Mantra for Pisces
Laxmi Kavach Yantra - Mantra for Pisces

Please Note – The procedure of preparing and using the Laxmi Kavach for Pisces is the same as the one given in this post – Here.

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