Mantra for Leprosy Leucoderma and Vitiligo

The Mantra given in this post is mantra, which is chanted mostly for problems related to the spine. However, some Hindu Healers have also found it extremely useful in treating problems related to blood impurities, including severe diseases like leucoderma and vitiligo, where white spots appear on the skin and also Leprosy.

However, though I am not in a position to promise miracle cures for any dreaded disease, I try to provide information to those depressed people suffering from such diseases so that they may have enough options, including paranormal ones.

Hindu Mantra to cure Leprosy,  Leucoderma and Vitiligo
Mantra for Leprosy Leucoderma and Vitiligo

Those suffering from severe spine problems or leprosy, leucoderma and vitiligo can meditate upon this small yet potent mantra. The practitioner should become immersed in this mantra and not count the number of chants and practice the Sadhana like a long term Meditation and leave rest to God,

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