Cable Strands for Space Lifts in Future - 2

Now some more numbers. A load up/down the geostationary cable lift used special tracks attached to the cables. A load had tall strongly electromagnetic lifting units of "c" cross section, which strong supports reached out fixed to, to get moved frictionless up/down a pair of tracks. Such units got lifted by suitably fast moving electromagnetic force fields which the tracks produced, with the tall units kept well stably centered frictionless on the tracks, (not significantly touching them). Electricity was used to accomplish such lifting, or could be regenerated while a load was descending or decelerating.

Altitudes in km & pressures in atmospheres are 11km .22336atm, 20 .054032, 25 .024561, 32 .0085641, 47 .0011887, 53 .0005756, 75 .00002420, 90 .00000179, 126 .00000001428, 175 .0000000006109, 300km .00000000001428atm. (Low satellites may orbit up at 420km in 93min.)

Initial speed up from Earth surface safely slowly accelerating through the atmosphere up to 25km may be allowed to average 150km/hr (=41.667m/s =93.2mph), which would mean an average acceleration of merely .139m/s^2 (/s^2 means per second squared) = merely .014 of Earth surface gravity. Thus during that beginning 600s, you'd start feeling just 1.014 times your normal Earth surface weight.

It next becomes ok to keep always accelerating to give passengers effective not too heavy weights lying down, like reasonably comfortably 6/5 of weights on Earth, offering an ever faster rise. Your weight from Earth gravity when up at altitude h (above 6,378km Earth equator radius = R) decreases to (R/(R+h))^2 of weight at Earth surface [^2 means squared], thus up at 25km, .9922 of your surface weight, or .7473 of it up at 1,000km. Also your weight is reduced by centrifugal force from the cable's rotation around Earth, slowly declining to 0 net weight up at geostationary height, then to negative net force tossing you out even higher up. Thus keeping lift force at 6/5 of weights down on Earth means increasingly higher lift speed acceleration the higher up you are.

At 15,848m = .04428% below geostationary height 35,790km (thus at height 35,774km), a load similarly physically accelerated, but to now have passengers feel 6/5 of Earth surface weights then pressing them out away from Earth), will slow to a halt up at geostationary height.

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