Future Space Communications

For beamed light signals in space, microgridded arrays of submicroscopic special tiny molecular light sensors sensed wavelengths and wave timings and strengths. Such microgridded arrays would be formed in flat face surfaces such as for a communication cube's square outer faces, while the cube interior would perform all programed needs, using saved energy converted from Solar light.

Component surface molecules are submicroscopically tiny. Iron has ~.44*10^8 atoms/cm, thus ~2.3 A.U. each [~ means approximately while 10^8 means 10 raised to exponent power 8]. Maximum visibility light (yellow-)green has ~5560 A.U. wavelength. That spans over 2,400 such atoms, thus reaching much longer than even the quite big groups of complex special useful sensing or radiating active molecules in the microgridded cube surfaces.

Light signals sensed by such a communication cube would usually be computer combined from 3 of the cube's faces, and filtered for wanted source directions. Normally these would discard signals detected from not wanted places like stars and planets. But they could gather good useful energy from Solar light, stored then for use within the communications cube's interior. Then to send to some wanted place, such as to Earth stations, what they sent out would be programed microgridded and timed to achieve beams for various transmissions to become, at wanted encoded colors wavelengths, well aimed to the wanted destinations.

Microgridded communications cubes were good for new telescopes sent to orbit some places like Venus and farther out. Each kept aiming directions updated for where to beam new telescope findings to, such as for special libraries, also for space satellites and astronomy centers which included work covering the planetary disk. Also the cubes kept aiming directions well improved for accepting special observations requests at any time, such as from approved astronomers and a few others. These cubes were good for sometimes multiple simultaneous communications in different directions out from where the telescope would be presently orbiting.

Inside and farther outside our Solar system are many millions of asteroids. Since some can (rarely) get deflected enough to pose a possible future bad collision threat to Earth, it was well agreed that best would be to detect as many as possible over decades or even centuries. Robotically formed special robotically operated telescopes could perform much of this, maybe programed partly by some helpful monitoring high orbiting settlers, including to discover ever more usually somewhat small asteroids.

This is a guest post. Questions? Ask Iwas.A.Member@gmail.com. If interested in much more about advanced future folks living quite well in space, ask for DOS compressed email attached FBW.Z

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