Storing Food Grains as per Feng Shui

The Chinese people give great importance to the storing of food grains in their homes. There is a belief amongst the Chinese that keeping the food grains safe and secure helps in bringing money and happiness into the household. Some of the important Feng Shui tips in storing food grains are given below by me.

1] Keep the Boxes used for keeping the food grains always closed.

2] Always store the food grains in metal or earthen containers; avoid plastic.

3] Never allow water to seep inside the containers.

4] Keep a red envelope containing a currency note inside the container at the bottom below the food grains. This is said to ensure that there is never a shortage of food in the household.

5] Never allow the storage containers to become empty; let there be at least as fistful of grains inside them.

6] Place the storage containers on the ground or a stable and strong platform; they should never fall down accidentally

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