Content theft has been one of the major nuisances faced by most sites. This site is no exception, over the past few years a lot of content from this site has been unauthorized scrapped and stolen; however we have taken action against most major offenders. Of late we have taken action against some 36 content scrappers sites and have appointed an agent to protect our content.
Though the contents of this site are available under the Creative Commons Licence; provided the attribution link is put under or above the post. We find that a lot of sites have ignored this message and in the quest of finding new content for their sites removed the links.
The action is taken in the following manner-
If the content scraper is a Blog hosted on Blogger, Wordpress of any other Blogging platform, DMCA Notice is sent to the Blog Host.
If the content scraper is a Self Hosted Blog or Website DMCA Notice is sent to the Hosting Company to remove the content.
If the Scraped Content is posted on a Facebook or a Forum; without the Attribution Link; DMCA Notice is sent to the Forum or Facebook.
DMCA Notices are sent to most major Search Engines; including Google, Bing and Yahoo to remove the stolen content from Search Results.
Lastly if anybody challenges the action by way of Counter Notification; an agent has been appointed to make sure that the site filing the Counter Notification; appears in the Appropriate Court; mostly in USA as most major Hosting Companies are located there.
If your Blog or Site is one of those who have copied content; even by mistake or under any mistaken notion; your are requested to remove it or put back the Attribution Links to this Site.
Though the contents of this site are available under the Creative Commons Licence; provided the attribution link is put under or above the post. We find that a lot of sites have ignored this message and in the quest of finding new content for their sites removed the links.
The action is taken in the following manner-
If the content scraper is a Blog hosted on Blogger, Wordpress of any other Blogging platform, DMCA Notice is sent to the Blog Host.
If the content scraper is a Self Hosted Blog or Website DMCA Notice is sent to the Hosting Company to remove the content.
If the Scraped Content is posted on a Facebook or a Forum; without the Attribution Link; DMCA Notice is sent to the Forum or Facebook.
DMCA Notices are sent to most major Search Engines; including Google, Bing and Yahoo to remove the stolen content from Search Results.
Lastly if anybody challenges the action by way of Counter Notification; an agent has been appointed to make sure that the site filing the Counter Notification; appears in the Appropriate Court; mostly in USA as most major Hosting Companies are located there.
If your Blog or Site is one of those who have copied content; even by mistake or under any mistaken notion; your are requested to remove it or put back the Attribution Links to this Site.
I wholeheartedly agree with you content theft and copyright violations are the bane of the internet. There is a lot of scum parasites everywhere, in your case I think it is mostly Indian Scrapers.