Charms to ensure purse is always full

A few paranormal remedies which are said to ensure that your money purse is never empty are given here in this post. These remedies are still in practice in India; however you can practice any one of them; that is if you believe in such remedies. As stated time and again I provide them to give interesting information to one and all and not to advocate their use.

These remedies are actually charms to ensure that your purse is never short of cash and always full. A word of caution here these charms make the use animal parts and hence they are not pure in nature.

1] During the period of Pushya Nakshatra [Delta Cancri] remove a nail of the right leg of a crow and keep it in your wallet; this ensures that there is always cash in your wallet.

2] A couple of feathers of a Vulture and about 2 Grams of pure Gorochana have to be inserted in a copper locket and this locket has to be kept in your purse. The effects of this charm are the same as of the one given above.

3] A portion each of the neck bones of an Owl and a Crow are inserted in a metal locket and tied around the neck, like a good luck charm, the purse of the practitioner will always be full of money.

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  1. I hope specially this type of remedies is only used for educational and informational purposes by readers of this site. Because what i believe is we should not harm any living creature in order to make our purse full.

    1. Yes, I second the above belief.


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