Coming Great Prophecy of Nostradamus

“For over 500 years the World will have known about him who was the most sought after in  his times. Then all of a sudden will the great revelation be made which will make the people of that century see the truth” Nostradamus- Century-3-94. This is not an exact word by word translation of this Quatrain; but the meaning as I have interpreted for this prophecy.

This is a much debated prophecy made by Nostradamus, most famous interpreters of the prophecies have visualized themselves as being the one who would make this earth shaking revelation.

Here I feel that Nostradamus is referring to himself as the “one who was the adornment of his times”. The World has always taken note of him ever since he first started making his Prophecies a little less than 500 years back. So it is certain that this is the century when this great revelation, which will change the lives of the World’s population be made. This prophecy is coded and hidden somewhere in the Centuries; only no body has ever come close to interpreting it.

So what will the revelation be like? Will the mysteries of life, existence and God be revealed in the near future? If yes, then what emerges will definitely change everything; including the way one looks at himself. Is this what we should look forward to in the coming future?

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