Mantra before going to bed

This is a most unique mantra to chant before going to bed. The mantra is “Smaran” or remembrance of the Maha Purush; the infinite being and the Kul Purush; the original MAN from whom you descended, sometimes also called the Mool Purush. The worship of the Kulpurusha is widely prevalent in the coastal regions of Konkan and in the state of Goa.

Chant this mantra a few times in your mind and visualize yourself going back to where you originated from; to your first ancestor; your originator. Do this while you in bed and going to sleep.

This mantra seeks the blessings of the Kulpurusha to show you the right direction, rectify any Karmic defects and aid in your natural course of evolution in life. Sometimes you might get an answer in your dream or sometime the right thoughts, feelings and sensations might enter your mind.

Indian Soothing Mantra before going to bed
Mantra before going to bed

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