Kalki Avatar will arrive silently

Indian prophecy regarding the end time or Armageddon is more often than not linked to the arrival of Vishnu’s 10th and final Avatar. This is justified because the most creditable prophecies ever; those in the Puranas and the Bhagawad-Gita prophecy clearly indicates this event which in turn is linked to the highest point of the Kaliyuga.

There are numerous other prophecies from the Bible as well as those by Nostradamus which I have linked to the arrival of Kalki Avatar. The second coming of Jesus Christ as described in earlier posts is nothing but the ultimate manifestation of Kalki Avatar. I have been attempting to piece together all these prophecies to arrive at some logical conclusion.

This is another Bible prophecy which is clearly descriptive of what has so far been interpreted to be the second coming of Jesus Christ. This prophecy speaks of how he [Kalki Avatar] will arrive. Let’s have a look at this prophecy from the Revelation.16.15 - Behold, I will come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

This speaks of a silent arrival; an arrival which will go unnoticed by most. There have been in the past and there still are a lot of claimants to being Kalki Avatar. I have said this before and will say it again; the Kalki Avatar, who is nothing but Vishnu will posses powers which are of an unimaginable magnitude. Such powers cannot go unnoticed, anyone claiming to be Kalki Avatar will not have to show these powers; they will automatically be visible to one and all.

Again back to the Bible prophecy regarding the arrival of Kalki Avatar, it speaks of a silent emergence. This means that the arrival of Kalki Avatar will not be accompanied with pomp and fanfare. He will manifest silently and then start making his presence felt.

This prophecy which will be fulfilled at the time of the world climax states that the Satvik [pure] or the good people on earth will be saved; the evil punished. So await the silent arrival of Kalki Avatar.

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  1. Kalki avatar has already born...........

  2. kalki told me that he will come on white winged horse. kalki called by christians as kalkis. kalki called by islam as kalkeel. allah gave kalki a sword, brahma gave kalki a sword, vishnu gave a book that it tells how to kill 100 monsters of kali (100 names of allah) eshwara gave dannusu(bow) kalki is richer than kubera, sun god gave sun stone and 3 crore kg gold to kalki, gods and godesses gave so many arrows and etc.,. and india will be named as kalkisthan brahma vishnu maheshwara made a 100 pillars of golden temple for kalki. jesus yahova mary made a platinum church for kalkis (kalki) in USA. mohammad pravaktha and islam peeries made a golden mecca for kalki in iran and iraq. in heaven also devendra and his followers made a temple for kalki. etc..........,
    my name is chanda naresh kumar i am kalki's angel my numbers 7207332690 and 9542190564

    1. Please visit website http://www.swastik.org for Kalki AVatar Details 09603931638

  3. he will came last this kali yoga,for finish adharma

  4. Kalki Avataar has already taken birth near biraja temple (jajpur district), odisha.

  5. What Jesus has to do with Kalki Avatar. How is it possible for you that you reject Hinduism and its scriptures and then take few verses from a couple of scriptures as true.

    The reality is that, the moment, you accept Kalki, you have to accept Hinduism and all its scriptures.


    Most of your quotations have been taken from the bible. Therefore I suggest why don’t you read the bible and get the real picture and end time prophecy and incidence specifically from the book of revelation, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and other prophets in the Bible. As you have mentioned, but Jesus is not the tenth Vishnu avatar, (we completely don’t believe in incarnation mythology) and mentioned about Krishna. Simply ignoring the fact will not erase the fact. If you study or put little sense about GOD and study the characteristics of GOD then you will know who can be the real and perfect revelation of GOD.
    “JESUS OR Krishna”
    GOD is Holy, Righteous, Perfect judge and full of Holy love .All these characteristics we see in JESUS. But all the human characteristics we find in Krishna, born in king family, need a woman and got married, playing with the girls, taking their clothes, want to see them naked during their math while they were taking bath and see them while bathing. This is not the character of GOD. But full of fleshly lusts. And not ascended to heaven. But you can easily find all the Godly characteristics in JESUS. Who revealed the godly character and he was the perfect revelation of god,
    I would suggest you as the Bible tells us in the book of revelation you will get the perfect warning those who misinterpret the Bible and it’s prophesy in the Book of Revelation 20:18-20.so be careful and repent, believe and be saved.
    There is a great warning for the people whose who misinterpret the prophecy of JESUS and his second coming.


      Faith, a forlorn hope, can be simply reinterpreted as ‘wishful thinking, a private dream, an inner attempt to give a reason to believe in something that has never been proven to have existed or happened’.


    2. Sudhir Lal all what is written is not true in Books it was word of mouth rewritten many times, changed from original writings. What all is written about Krishna is not true -- even day before I watching the serial that he stole butter to fight Kansa, Krishna communicated with me saying he never did that -- He is wrongly labeled as Makhan Chor --- same goes with Bible it has been changed and Vatican has said they hold the original copy -- all reincarnation phrases have been erased to make believe people if they don't follow them they will go to hell. same with Quran. But they forget that John the Baptist was Elijah. So all what has been written is wrong -- Krishna only had 4 wives which was a common Practice in those days, until the britishers changed the law.Krishna was not Lusty, do not demoralize your God.
      Coming to Bible they say Jesus will be coming back they do not talk of Kalki Avatar. That even throws their no reincarnation theory off.

    3. While we have correct revelation of Jesus Christ then why we should take the name of Kalki. Believe that 'Hinduism' is only a myth based on the stories of earthly king.

  7. True his emergence will be silent and Lord Vishnu says no one will no know that he is Vishnu only his Guru Rishi Yagnavalkya that's all -- only after the Parlay people will know -- some of them. All people will not die. Few will remain --

  8. You have shared correctly and now you have option to choose God or reject Him.Bible clearly mentioned when John received the Revelation about the Second coming of Jesus Christ,clothed with Righteousness and Judgment.Before this anti christ will reveal who will mark this 666 no who will worship him but not the true God.These people will get all kinds of provisions to survive because they will take the mark 666 and worship him but at the end on the judgment day when jesus will appear in the clouds those who have worshipped the false gods and rejected the Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour who has paid the price of the sins of whole humanity will be condemnation and will be in the eternal hell fire.These all have already Jesus said and written in the Bible.You can read and accept the Lord Jesus because He has ultimate authority to judge and rule.He has already said which has no body claimed this authority " I am the way,Truth and Life'. Choose what you want to choose.Eternal condemnation or Eternal Life.

  9. Receive Jesus Christ as he is the perfect revelation of God and be saved from Eternal condemnation which is going to come because people have rejected the Creator and Precious Blood of jesus Christ which He gave for whole humanity and still he graceful.

  10. God told the disciples John n Thomas that I will send a man from the east to solve all my problems of the world ..now east from potmas island is India n longitude n latitude is exactly Kolkata ..in 1981kalki came to Babylon the land of eagle in Boeing airplane n when he was 8 years old n was educated..dwelling where he discovered the truth n the evil of the earth but he his decideing if he wants rise from Africa or india.india is getting drunk with the scarlet whore n the beast she rides n Africa still pure n kalki is faithful n justice.in his DNA he must do what is just n faithful.


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