Nostradamus - assassinations to trigger World War 3

This Prophecy of Nostradamus has been popularly interpreted to be the one descriptive of the Kennedy  assassinations. While interpreting the Kennedy assassinations, I had indicated the vagueness of the interpretation.

This is a futuristic prediction; probably destined to be fulfilled in the near future. I have a feeling this could be the famous and widely awaited assassination of Mabus;the one which will herald in World War 3.

This one like the Quatrain dedicated to Mabus, speaks of an assassination by way of a missile strike; most probably a shoulder fire missile. The Prophecy speaks of another assassination around midnight; a well planned double strike.

One of those assassinated could most certainly be Mabus;the other an ally. These coming assassinations look shrouded in mystery; the brain behind them is never likely to be exposed. The other assassination could be to convince everyone that there is no option, but War.

Could any one be looking for a trigger to kick start  World War 3? Could this be connected to the Eurozone crises? Could this be connected to the Iran crises?

Century I. 26.
Le grand du foudre tombe d'heure diurne,
Mal & predit par porteur postulaire,
Suyuant presage tombe d'heure nocturne
Conflit, Reims, Londres, Etrusque pestfere.
Century 1 26
The grand man falls to lightening during the day. The evil deed predicted by the bearer of a petition. According to the prediction another falls at midnight. Conflict at Reims, London; pestilence in Tuscany.

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