These are some home remedies which are practiced to remove urinary tract infection. Naturopaths and practitioners of traditional medicine recommend one or two of these remedies at a time; depending upon the severity of the infection.
Juice of the fresh root of theThe Asparagus racemosus or Shatavari plant. The root is crushed to separate the juice and then the juice is filtered through a sieve.
The paste of the leaves of the Jaswand [Hibiscus –Rosa-sinensis-Japa] plant, mixed with water and consumed two to three times a day.
Banana mixed with sugar and clarified butter. This is similar to the home remedy for frequent urination in Diabetic patients; the only difference is the addition of sugar.
Boiled and filtered tea of the leaves of the Nelumbo nucifera [Kamal]. The leaves are boiled in water and then filtered by a sieve, and then consumed.
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Juice of the fresh root of theThe Asparagus racemosus or Shatavari plant. The root is crushed to separate the juice and then the juice is filtered through a sieve.
The paste of the leaves of the Jaswand [Hibiscus –Rosa-sinensis-Japa] plant, mixed with water and consumed two to three times a day.
Banana mixed with sugar and clarified butter. This is similar to the home remedy for frequent urination in Diabetic patients; the only difference is the addition of sugar.
Boiled and filtered tea of the leaves of the Nelumbo nucifera [Kamal]. The leaves are boiled in water and then filtered by a sieve, and then consumed.
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Hi,I appreciate your writing. I'd like to share. I had a bad UTI once. I didnt get the fever or the chills, I just noticed that my pee was pink with blood and slight cramping. I started getting bad cramps and the next day my pee looked like cherry coke. I went to the hospital and they about choked when they saw my urine sample!! So now I go to the doctor if I get any weird feelings. thanks all!
UTI- Medical Test Service
This information was useful thanks.. I have learnt that there are many female Incontinence Types in Los Angeles.. I was shocked to read that... Thanks again for the infor.. Take care.