Nostradamus predicts destruction of Pakistan

With the current situation involving the assassination Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan it appears that we are right on track for the coming World Climax .I had interpreted the Prophecy coded in this particular Nostradamus Quatrain as that of the total Destruction of Punjab Province of Pakistan by way of Nuclear weapons.

Century 6- 27.
Dedans les isles de cinq fleuues à vn,
Par le croissant du grand Chyren Selin :
Par les bruynes de l'air fureur de l'vn,
Six eschappez, cachez fardeaux de lyn.

Within the Isles of five rivers to one, Through the expansion of the great 'Chyren Selin': Through the drizzles in the air the fury of one, Six escaped, hidden bundles of flax.

The province of the Punjab in Pakistan is the only geographical entity in the world, which fit the description of ‘Isles of five rivers to one’. This is an ancient name right from the time of the ancient Greek civilization which called it’ Pentapotamia’meaning an inland delta of five rivers flowing to become one. These five rivers are the Jhelum, the Chenab, the Ravi, the Sutlej, and the Beas, merge to form the Panjnad, which flows into the Indus. The word Punjab coined by the ancient Aryan civilization literally translated into English means Pun = 5 and ab = water, the land of the 5 water bodies.

Map Nostradamus describing  the destruction of Pakistan
Map Nostadamus
I had previously interpreted this Nostradamus Prophecy as referring to the expansion of Kalki Avatar who has been interpreted as ‘Chyren’.However in the context of the current world situation it could probably refer to the wars of ANTICHRIST. However, one thing of which I was certain then and more so now is that the place earmarked for total destruction is the Punjab in Pakistan. The aftermath of this destruction is sure to greatly affect by way of nuclear radiation the Punjab state of India as well.

The Punjab in Pakistan is the most populous province accounting to about 57% of the total population. It is also the most devolved and prosperous province. Punjabis dominate the Pakistani Army, Bureaucracy and Politics. In short no Punjab no Pakistan.

‘Through the drizzles in the air’ is as obvious description of nuclear rain as one can come across in the prophecies of Nostradamus. ‘Six escaped, hidden bundles of flax’is again a description of some persons surviving this devastating attack wearing NBC suits. This speaks of the sheer magnitude of this attack.

Now the question of who launches this attack and why, if connected to a chain reaction triggering off from the killing of Osama Bin Laden there is every likelihood of desperate and massive attack by the Jihad groups which will provoke and give an opportunity to the Americans to launch this attack. Pakistan is the only nation, which the Americans periodically threaten to bomb right back to the Stone Age.

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  1. Lord Kalki or Sree Veerabhoga Vasantaraya is none other than Lord Lakshman. Please read my Facebook page of ravi sankar, Visakhapatnam, India.

  2. It predicts nuking with nuke missile drizzles of Indian Punjab from Pakistani Punjab. The six countries who pretend to be there to save India will run away from the scene like crazy.

    1. punjab anyway belongs to INDIA only, and do do the rest of the pakistan land. so destruction of punjab is not going to effect INDIA as INDIA is very vast, but punjab is 50% of pakistan. so pakistan and pakstanis are GONE, FINISHED, KHALLAS FOREVER . . . . .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Then why Islam is spreading fast. The world come under the rule of Mahdi before 2050

  3. Dear Biswas, please also explain how a nation (indians) who are earning their livelihood by dancing, prostitution and selling their mothers, sisters and wives to the rest of the world can defeat Pakistan.
    Every one knows India is making quantity not quality, you have a long conventional missile test failure history so forget about your ultra and hyper sonics
    Remember anti ballastic means anti ballastic not anti cruise (recall babur and ra'ad of Pkaistan)
    Remember if Pakistan disintegrates this will lead to generation of several Muslim Nuclear states and injection of terrorism virus in India
    Never calculate us on the basis of inventory because few thousand Muslims ruled several million Hindus for almost 800 years, where were your Modi's than
    You lost 1965 war, during Kargil war our 500 soldiers killed your five thousand cowards and destroyed 1 jet and 1 helicopter (check on wikipedia), in 1971 you helped us to get rid from bengalis
    I agree with each word of my prophet, ups and downs are the part of life of individuals and nations but as far hindus are concerned, they will never rise
    Do not try to imitate America, you still have people who eat rats because of poverty
    Never mention that your religion is older than ours, there is much difference between 100 years old vulture and 2 years old eagle
    Cow is your mother, what is an ox for you? father?
    your mother roams around without wearing clothes, don't you feel ashamed?

    1. pakistan need not be defeated. it will decimate by itself due to will of the allah that these creatures worship

  4. There is a third world war fast approaching. A comet ( mentioned in the Book of Revelations) is making fast approach and will destroy one third of the land in January 2037. It will impact Europe and will cause a famine. This famine will become gradually global. The Mahdi of Greater Arabia will launch a deceptive peace program and will get his hands on nuclear missiles. Islamic prophecies mention that Islamic invaders will be successful in invading Italy. It is also mentioned in the St. Malachy prophecies that Peter the Roman will preside over the destruction of the Church. after the asteroid ( hits the sea in June 2040 will destroy one third of the fishes and ships ) hostilities will break out paving the war in 2041 lasting 23 Years. Moreover 200 million soldiers mentioned in the Revelations book will kill 3 billion people about one third of the humanity. However the Christian prophecies and Indian prophecies mention about Kalki the last reincarnation of Vishnu who will restore order. Kalki was born in Shambala in the Telugu new year of Vishwavasu in 1965-66. He will appeart all his devotees in the year 2041 onwards. Both the comet and the asteroid would activate volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis in which millions if not billions die. Do take a look at


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