Most powerful Yantra

This is the famous 15 Che Yantra [१५ चे यन्त्र]. This Yantra is a very famous and considered to be a powerful Yantra. This is a Sarva-Siddhi or a Yantra to fulfill all desires.

This Yantra is prepared on a Bhojpatra leaf and written with Ashtagandha paste or ink by a Silver pin or pencil. Then it can be tied as a locket around your fore arm or neck.

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  1. guruji 15 che yantra bhojpatra par banaein to kya kaam karega.

  2. Is it realy work? Is there any one who tried it?

  3. Why is first box border is drawn in black ink and rest in white ink. It should be like this only or all white. Is it a writing clarify

    1. There is no mistake everything is in black ink

  4. Thank you Neelji... Ek baat aur kripya bataayein ki
    Ashwagandha paste ho chahe ink ho dono main se kisi se bhi yantra ko likha ja sakta hai lekin pin silver ki hi honni chahiye...sahi??
    Doosri baat silver pin ka matlab steel ki wo jo silver colour ki pin aati hain woh ya phir silver ( chaandi) ki pin...??
    Pl bataayein

  5. this yantra should be written by silver pin(silver pen)

  6. Gurujee Can i write this yantra on a white piece of paper by writing with pencil.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Gurujee Can i write this yantra on a white piece of paper by writing with silver pen which has silver ink.

  9. Sir you have mentioned silver ink can be used.can I write this yantra with the silver pen on white paper.Will it effect it potency.
    SIr please suggest.

  10. Neel Sir, Can I prepare this yantra in a white piece of paper with silver pen , or with general pencil, and what color thread to use for the locket.
    your brief reply would be helpful.
    Thanking you.

  11. Sir please reply I am eagerly waiting for your reply.

    1. I have mentioned that the Yantra has to be written with Ashtagandha Paste, using a pointed pin or any other pointed object made from silver as the writing instrument [ pen].
      The Tantra mentions Bhojpatra, you can use white paper if unable to get Bhojpatra
      Any color thread can be used.

    2. thankyou for the reply sir.

  12. Dear Sir,


    I required your help for how to make श्री पंचदसी यंत्र

    It is different for cast as i read in web page ( I am female from क्षत्रिय cast so how I make it & when
    Please check below link in that this yantra shows different ( )& in this link it is different

    I am so confuse please help me this above two points with given reference link

    When, which & how to make it श्री पंचदसी यंत्र /
    15 Che Yantra [१५ चे यन्त्र]

    Thank you sir & waiting for your kind replay

    1. It is the same Yantra, which vibrates to the numerological value of 15.
      The method of making the Yantra is mentioned in the above article.

    2. respected sir
      which day would be auspicious to make the yantra and in which color thread should it be done.
      thank you

  13. on which day and in which colour cloth?
    please answer sir

    1. Apart from what is prescribed in the post, there are no other recommendations for preparing the Yantra.
      You can use any colored cloth and prepare it on any day.


    Honourable Sir / Madam

    Greetings for the day

    This is Akshayy Suryavansshi from Mumbai India

    I need a Yantra Design which I can Emboss on my Scalar Quantum Pendant that can get health ,spiritual knowledge, wealth , prosperity , enlightenment , keep away from black magic or any negative energy , love relationship and make anyone more powerful


    Akshayy Suryavansshi
    Whatsapp # : +91-916-752-2887
    Email :
    Skype :

    1. There are many such Yantras and Charms, which are published on this site, which can easily be used for whatever purpose you desire.
      You can browse the related Yantra Sections and select the desired Yantras.

  15. 15 का यंत्र का निर्माण करना काफी कठिन कार्य है यह इतना आसान नहीं है जितना यह देखने से प्रतीत हो रहा है. यंत्र वही बना सकता है जिसने यंत्र के मंत्रों को सिद्ध किया हुआ है और उसने उस यंत्र की सिद्धि कर रखी हो.
    अलग-अलग कार्यों के लिए इसमें जो नंबर भरे जाते हैं वह भी अलग हो जाते हैं और अलग-अलग राशियों के लिए भी नंबर अलग हो जाते हैं यह सिर्फ वही कर सकता है या बता सकता है जिसे इसका ज्ञान हो यंत्र बनाने के बाद फिर इसकी साधना करने पड़ते हैं उस साधना में उपयुक्त होने वाले मंत्रों का भी ज्ञान होना चाहिए. अतः इसे खुद नहीं बनाकर किसी ऐसे उचित व्यक्ति की तलाश करें जिसे किस यंत्र के बारे में संपूर्ण ज्ञान हो और कुछ उचित दक्षिणा देकर उससे इस यंत्र का निर्माण करवाएं रही बात क्षत्रिय वैश्य शूद्र और ब्राम्हण की तो यह निर्भर करता है कि आपका कार्य कैसा है अगर आप ब्राह्मण है और आपका कार्य बिजनेसमैन का है तो आप वैश्य
    यंत्र धारण करेंगे धंयवाद

    1. 15 का यंत्र जितना चमत्कारी है,उतना ही इसका विधान भी अनोखा है.यह 4 प्रकार का होता है और अपनी राशि के हिसाब से इसका चयन करना होता है .हर कार्य की
      सिद्धि के लिए यंत्र लिखते समय आसन,दिशा,लेखनी ,दिन अलग अलग हैं .कार्य के संकल्प की गिनती भी अलग हैं .वैसे हर कार्यसिद्धि के लिए यह उपयोगी है.

  16. Namaste Sir
    Is there any mantra, yantra,sadhana or tantra for levitation(flying)?

  17. Namaste Neil ji,
    Is there any siddhi, tantra , yantra for achieving power of levitation?

    1. There are some mantras, you do a site search, but these are highly advanced mantra siddhis.


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