This particular Quatrain of Nostradamus makes one wonder if Nostradamus had predicted that the tomb of Jesus Christ would be discovered. This Prophecy does speak of a ‘sepulchre’ being discovered. Here the term sepulcher indicates a cave or hidden chamber like the one used to bury Jesus.
The resurrection of Jesus is the magnet, which holds the Christian faith together. The very growth and rise of Christianity as a religion can trace it origin to the supernatural event of the resurrection. The narratives of the witnesses to whom Jesus appeared for 40 days after his crucifixion are taken as the Gospel truth which bring tears in the eyes of devote Christians. As Paul, the apostle said, "If Christ was not raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your trust in God is useless."
The Great Roman described in this Quatrain by Nostradamus is certainly Jesus who was a subject of the Roman Empire. The Quatrain does not elaborate on this, for example Roman Emperor or Roman warrior or Roman Saint. The most important tomb or burial place waiting to be discovered is by far that of Jesus. The mystery still lingers on.
The newly elected Pope poisoned his blood in the ‘sacred chalice ‘is a most symbolic hint by Nostradamus. It is the utensil or bowl, which Jesus used at the Last Supper to serve the wine. This is a clear indication of the Jesus connection to this Quatrain, which has been masked by Nostradamus. The poisoning of the Pope is symbolic of the rapid decline and possible end of Christianity due to be discovery of the tomb.
The discovery of the tomb as predicted by Nostradamus will throw new light on the death and the events preceding the death. There could be new forensic evidence, which will be difficult to be challenged. It could lead to strengthening the view of the skeptics about the credibility of the Prophets including Paul and also the eyewitnesses.
The dating of this earth-shaking event has not been given by Nostradamus, but it could be near the time of THE THIRD ANTICHRIST. The people will start renouncing Christianity and start following the new ideology of the third Anti Christ.
The resurrection of Jesus is the magnet, which holds the Christian faith together. The very growth and rise of Christianity as a religion can trace it origin to the supernatural event of the resurrection. The narratives of the witnesses to whom Jesus appeared for 40 days after his crucifixion are taken as the Gospel truth which bring tears in the eyes of devote Christians. As Paul, the apostle said, "If Christ was not raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your trust in God is useless."
3 - 65.
Quand le sepulcre du grand Romain trouué
Le iour apres sera esleu pontife:
Du senat gueres il ne sera prouué,
Emprisonné son sang au sacré scyphe.
3 -65
When the sepulchre of the great Roman is found, The day after a Pontiff will be elected: Scarcely will he be approved by the Senate Poisoned, his blood in the sacred chalice.
The newly elected Pope poisoned his blood in the ‘sacred chalice ‘is a most symbolic hint by Nostradamus. It is the utensil or bowl, which Jesus used at the Last Supper to serve the wine. This is a clear indication of the Jesus connection to this Quatrain, which has been masked by Nostradamus. The poisoning of the Pope is symbolic of the rapid decline and possible end of Christianity due to be discovery of the tomb.
The discovery of the tomb as predicted by Nostradamus will throw new light on the death and the events preceding the death. There could be new forensic evidence, which will be difficult to be challenged. It could lead to strengthening the view of the skeptics about the credibility of the Prophets including Paul and also the eyewitnesses.
The dating of this earth-shaking event has not been given by Nostradamus, but it could be near the time of THE THIRD ANTICHRIST. The people will start renouncing Christianity and start following the new ideology of the third Anti Christ.
It is the beginning of the Age, but it will not come as swiftly as thought. A new ideology presumably will take over the world basically "Atheism." or "Evolution." A deity from another world will deem himself as god and claim he will save humanity from itself.
ReplyDeleteInterested in what these things might have in common with each other- Discovery of the tomb and announcing the discovery. Venus legend and placement, One perhaps not from this world, and the example for all to witness-the first to be judged. --Also curious as to why you chose to use the numbers 666 --could you answer me in private email perhaps? Thank you