Saraswati Prarthana

Saraswati is the Hindu Mother Goddess of pure and higher knowledge. This is a very simple and easy to recite prayer or Prarthana which I recommend should be recited very morning.

This prayer is most suitable for all seekers or the truth or the divine, and those wishing to remove the veil of the ego from their minds. The dark night is the covering of the pure soul by the false ego.

सरस्वती माता की प्रार्थना इन हिंदी एंड इंग्लिश
Saraswati Mata Prayer in Hindi and English Text

Maa ki krupa drushti se jaay andheri raat l
Tum hamari raksha karo mahasaraswati maata ll

With the blessings of the mother, will pass the dark night l
You protect us Mahasaraswati Maata ll

मा की कृपा दृष्टी से जाए अंधेरी रात l
तुम हामारी रक्षा करो महासरस्वती माता ll

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