Mantra to remove body pain

This is unique mantra to remove all types of body pain and to give peace of mind to the reciter.To attain Siddhi [mastery] this mantra has to be recited at least 21000 times. After attaining Siddhi this mantra ensures that the body is free from pain and one gets mental peace and bliss.

This mantra has been contributed for the benefit of readers by a member of this blog who does not want his name to be disclosed for privacy reasons.

Om namo kotki jawala mukhi kali do var,
rog pida door kar, saat samudra par kar,
adeesh kamru desh,kamakhya maii hadi dasi ki duhai.
ॐ नमो कोतकी जवाला मुखी कलि दो वर,
रोग पीड़ा दूर कर, सात समुद्र पर कर,
आदेश कमरू देश, कामख्या मई हाड़ी दासी की दुहाई.

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  2. Hello, what is the pronunciation of the word had. Is is "hadi" or "hari" ? Am european. Indians often pronunciation de d as a r, thats why i ask this.

    1. The word is Hadi, could be pronounced as - Haa-Dee.


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