Gold, Silver and Copper have each been given certain attributes as to treating diseases and ailments; these metals have been and are still being used as home remedies in the treatment and healing of diseases and ailments, more particularly in India. This treatment is extremely easy for anyone to use in order to preserve health and Wellbeing.
Copper – Any type of diseases relating to the nerves, mental stress, high blood pressure, arthritis, polio and leprosy.
Silver – Diseases relating to the organs of digestion and the urinary tract.
Gold – For the functions relating to breathing, lungs, heart, and brain as a general tonic.
Take –
2 ounces of copper plate or bit and pieces or 7 to 8 copper coins.
1 or 2 ounces of pure Silver or pure Silver coins.
½ to 1 ounce of 22 carat Gold or a Gold chain or bangles.
Take 2 glasses of water and keep it to boil, while the water is boiling put the metal relating to the ailment you want to cure. All three metals can also be put into the water. Care should be taken that the metals are clean and free from dust or any sort of unnatural covering. This water should be boiled until it comes down to half. Then filter this water with a clean cotton cloth and then drink the water. The warmer the water the better. If the disease is chronic and well set in take 4 glasses of water and boil it till it comes down to 1 glass. Care should be taken that you do not take sour food items at least 1 hour before and after drinking the water.
Kindly note this has been given for information purposes and not as a replacement for your existing treatment.
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Copper – Any type of diseases relating to the nerves, mental stress, high blood pressure, arthritis, polio and leprosy.
Silver – Diseases relating to the organs of digestion and the urinary tract.
Gold – For the functions relating to breathing, lungs, heart, and brain as a general tonic.
Take –
2 ounces of copper plate or bit and pieces or 7 to 8 copper coins.
1 or 2 ounces of pure Silver or pure Silver coins.
½ to 1 ounce of 22 carat Gold or a Gold chain or bangles.
Take 2 glasses of water and keep it to boil, while the water is boiling put the metal relating to the ailment you want to cure. All three metals can also be put into the water. Care should be taken that the metals are clean and free from dust or any sort of unnatural covering. This water should be boiled until it comes down to half. Then filter this water with a clean cotton cloth and then drink the water. The warmer the water the better. If the disease is chronic and well set in take 4 glasses of water and boil it till it comes down to 1 glass. Care should be taken that you do not take sour food items at least 1 hour before and after drinking the water.
Kindly note this has been given for information purposes and not as a replacement for your existing treatment.
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please tell me this remedies repeat how many days