Deep Aarti

The practice of lighting a Deep before an image or idol of God is prevalent in almost every Hindu household all over the world. The Deep or Diya is either a small metal or earthen pot like utensil filled with edible oil like groundnut oil or edible refined oil or Ghee [clarified] butter.

An Aartis or Prarthanas is normally recited in praise of which ever deity one is most attached to.The Diya symbolises light [ blessings of God ] coming into the household. This here is an Aarti in the Marathi language recited in praise of Pandurang which is another name for Vishnu.

Deep Aarti
English Translation
Jai dev jai dev jai panduranga l
Deeparti ovalu tujla jeevlaga ll Dhru.ll
Svyamprakasha tujhi sarvahi deepti l
Purnanand prapt karita tav bhakti l
Dehatraya vaati pajloni preeti l
Ovalito prem deva tujprati ll 1 ll
Deva tuj pavala yeto prempur l
Naam nirantar gaata hoto bhavpaar l
Vate tav bhakti hi mothi priyakar l
Vishnudasa dei akhand ha bhar ll 2 ll

जय देव जय देव जय पांडुरंगा l
दीपारती ओवाळू तुजला जिवलगा ll धृ.ll
स्वयंप्रकाशा तुझी सर्वही दीप्ती l
पूर्णानंद प्ताप्त करितां तंव भक्ति l
देहत्रय वाती पाजळोनी प्रीती l
ओवाळीतो प्रेम देवा तुजप्रती ll १ ll
देवा तुज पावला येतो प्रेमपूर l
नाम निरंतर गाता होतो भवपार l
वाटे तव भक्ती ही मोठी प्रियकर l
विष्णुदासा देई अखंड हा भर ll २ ll
