Ogmios unlike Mabus has not been given much importance by those interpreting the Prophecies of Nostradamus.
Ogmios in mythology is a God worshipped by the Gauls. Then there is also a God from Irish mythology called Oghma, who is often compared to Ogmios. Ogmios has been interpreted by scholars as someone with a gift of the gab, who conquers people with his tongue. Oghma is a champion warrior, he is said to have a smiling face.Ogmios or Oghma is a code name given by Nostradamus for someone who will appear in the future.
Let’s have a look at this quatrain
This quatrain speaks of someone called Ogmios.The meaning of the term ‘The Barbaric League’ is a vast one descriptive of an association which is uncivilized. It becomes difficult to apply the term ‘Barbaric’ to any particular race of people; it might depend on ones view point.
Lets have a look at the quatrain preceding the above one.
As these two quatrains are adjoining one they are sure to be related. The person described here is a politician. The sacred pomp lowering its wings could mean this person has entered a Domain which was previously restricted. Again this person is different as he has been described as someone whose like will not appear on earth. A person wielding massive power like no one in history ever did.
There is also this quatrain which follows the above two closely. All three quatrains appear to be closely related.
This quatrain speaks of this person as being born in an unknown and dark family, someone from an unrelated and unlikely background coming to power.This person will be born in a place connected to the sea like a Gulf or an Island.
I am inclined to believe that all three Quatrains are related ones as they appear in close proximity. This could be the Third Antichrist. This dark person has been described before by Nostradamus.
The obvious question is – Is this Barack Obama? As of today Obama wields more power than any other man on earth, but he has not done done anything spectacular or different from what his predecessors did. So according to me he doesn’t qualify today. But what is going to happen tomorrow one can tell.I am going to write more on this in the near future.
Ogmios in mythology is a God worshipped by the Gauls. Then there is also a God from Irish mythology called Oghma, who is often compared to Ogmios. Ogmios has been interpreted by scholars as someone with a gift of the gab, who conquers people with his tongue. Oghma is a champion warrior, he is said to have a smiling face.Ogmios or Oghma is a code name given by Nostradamus for someone who will appear in the future.
Let’s have a look at this quatrain
Century – 5 -80
Logmion grande Bisance approchera,
Chassée sera la barbarique ligue,
Des deux loix l'vne l'aethinique laschera,
Barbare & franche en perpetuelle brigue.
Ogmios will approach great Byzantium, The Barbaric League will be driven out: Of the two laws the heathen one will give way, Barbarian and Frank in perpetual strife.
This quatrain speaks of someone called Ogmios.The meaning of the term ‘The Barbaric League’ is a vast one descriptive of an association which is uncivilized. It becomes difficult to apply the term ‘Barbaric’ to any particular race of people; it might depend on ones view point.
Lets have a look at the quatrain preceding the above one.
Century -79
La sacree pompe viendra baisser les aisles
Par la venuë du grand Legislateur:
Humble haussera, vexera les rebelles,
Naistra sur terre aucun aemulateur.
The sacred pomp will come to lower its wings, Through the coming of the great legislator: He will raise the humble, he will vex the rebels, His like will not appear on this earth.
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Nostradamus Obama |
There is also this quatrain which follows the above two closely. All three quatrains appear to be closely related.
Naistra du gouphre & cité immesuree,
Nay de parens obscurs & tenebreux :
Quand la puissance du grand Roy reueree,
Voudra destruire par Rouan & Eureux.
He will be born of the gulf and unmeasured city, Born of obscure and dark family: He who the revered power of the great King Will want to destroy through Rouen and Evreux.
This quatrain speaks of this person as being born in an unknown and dark family, someone from an unrelated and unlikely background coming to power.This person will be born in a place connected to the sea like a Gulf or an Island.
I am inclined to believe that all three Quatrains are related ones as they appear in close proximity. This could be the Third Antichrist. This dark person has been described before by Nostradamus.
The obvious question is – Is this Barack Obama? As of today Obama wields more power than any other man on earth, but he has not done done anything spectacular or different from what his predecessors did. So according to me he doesn’t qualify today. But what is going to happen tomorrow one can tell.I am going to write more on this in the near future.
The Harlot Bride
The spirit of YHVH has departed from most of the churches in America because of the spirit of apostasy. The whole of the word of God is a testament or will by the blood of the testator. The very character and ethos of the Holy Scripture is salvation by the precious blood of Yahshua Messiah. It is a crimson cord that traces its way from the beginning to the end through the Garden of Eden to the book of Revelations. To take away or tear down this eternal life force that is forever present in the living word of God is to destroy the Revelation knowledge of God through Yahshua Messiah. Christ’s shed blood and sacred death was sufficient for the sanctification from sin throughout the ages of time and it is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Bible repetitively speaks of God’s promise to preserve his word when he says, “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35). “The grass withereth, the flowers fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand forever”
BEHOLD A WHITE HORSE Is A Must Read For Every Truth Seeker as Cisco Wheeler has given the world a deeper insight as to how Catholicism, Masonry, Witchcraft,Mormonism and all Secret Societies, has blinded its spiritual tapestry within the very fibers of the Christian church. Through the traditions of man the Anti-Christ has come through the front door of the churches and has deceitfully sat himself down as a teacher in the pulpits of the world churches of today, to deceive what is left of the righteous seed. of YHVH GOD. Through the blinding of Luciferian knowledge in the churches of today,the world council of Religious Leaders aims to serve as a model and guide for the creation of a community of world religions.... The objective of the council is to serve a resource to the United Nations and its agencies around the world, nation states and other international organizations, offering the collective wisdom and resources of the faith and traditions towards the resolution of critical global problems. BABYLON THE BEAST RIDING THE BEAST OF REVELATIONS: 17
Countless churches and Christian ministries across this nation are already infiltrated by the Illuminati, Satanists, cults, often by CIA and the intelligence community, spying on the faithful...even up to the PULPIT itself. Enemies of the true Gospel from many sectors of society and many hidden agendas have infiltrated, corrupted, deceived and even brainwashed many Christians in this desperate hour.
Satanists are preparing their people to assist in the government/military round-up of Christians when martial law is declared. Just as patriotic Americans are preparing, even forming Constitutionally based and legal militias to fight for their freedoms when martial law is declared, so the satanists/Illuminati are preparing their people in covert paramilitary training camps, to combat ALL future NEW WORLD ORDER RESISTANCE. They will work with the traitorous elements of our military and government and law enforcement, to help round up all NWO resistance, including CHRISTIANS
Please go to Revelations Illustrated .com. Then click on Video Sample. Thank You Cisco Wheeler
The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem (Joel 3:16).
ReplyDeletePaired with Gog & Magog in the Bible...Could Pope Francis have something to do with Nostradamus prophecy? His birth name is...
Mabus = MSB -> Mohd Bin Salmaan.....that is the person mentioned in the quatrain.