Mantras for Love Problems

I get a lot of mail from my readers asking for Mantras to resolve and correct Sexual problems and maladjustment. There are no such specific mantras to resolve Sexual problems in the ancient Hindu texts. There are of course those who practice certain mantras, but I have found that these mantras have no scientific base, those mantras are recited more as prayers.

Here I am giving Mantras which have a scientific base and these mantras should be useful in resolving Sexual problems. I am giving different mantras for males and females.

I request those trying these mantras to give feedback on their progress.

Mantras for Males
These mantras should be recited concentrating on the Muladhara or root chakra whose location is between the genital and the anus.However one should not strain hard to concentrate, the mind should be focused on this chakra, without straining the mind. While concentrating and reciting these mantras one should have an image in your mind of this chakra as being red in colour.The Sexual needs of males are more on a physical level hence this chakra.
The mantras should be recited ideally for about 10 to 15 minutes while keeping the spine straight, the position should be either sitting or lying on your back. The mantras are Dwhani or sound mantras and should be recited. One can recite either one or both mantras depending upon how comfortable you feel.

Om Lam Par Tatavaya Vam Sham Sham Sam Om Phat
 ॐ  लाम पर  तटवय वाम  शाम  शाम साम ॐ  फट

LAM-va, sha, ssa, sa
लाम-वा, शा, स्सा, सा

Mantras for Females
This mantra should be recited concentrating on the Swadhisthana or Sacral Chakra which is located in the sacrum just below the belly button. The procedure is the same as the one given above only the color is orange. The Female Sexual needs are more on a mental level hence this chakra.

Om Vam Vam Swaadhishtthaanam Jaagray Jaagray Vam Vam Om Phat
ॐ  वाम  वाम स्वाधिष्ठानम  जागरे  जागरे वाम  वाम  ॐ  फट

VAM-ba, bha, ma, wa, ra, la
वाम -बा , भा , मा, वा, रा , ला

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  1. Hi,

    1)What is the mantra to get a beautiful wife

    2)What is the mantra to get taller

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    4)What is the mantra to ensure good health of parents

    5)What is the mantra to get back lost job

  2. Hi
    what is a totka , how to practice totka


  3. 1) what is the mantra to make my partner to leave his mistress-lover?
    2) what is the mantra to heal/reconcile a difficult relationship?
    3) what is the mantra to stop partner to go elsewhere?
    4) what is the mantra to bring back a lover who left the relation?

  4. A lady is spoiling my brother's life, she is married with children and has him completely under her control. He has lost interest in work and day to day activities. How do we have him get out of this. The home is only filled with tension. PLease suggest a powerful remedy for this.

  5. Panacea for illness and miseries - The mrityunjaya mantra. There is no doubt about it.

    Practice with devotion and reverence.

  6. Dear Sir

    I am having some problems. I get very nervous and am unable to perform sexually when with my wife. However, medically there is no problem at all. PLs guide and help.


  7. Is it tatvaay or tatvaye? In pronunciation

    1. the word in the mantra is tatavaya, the spelling has been rectified.

  8. You should also add that swadhishthan chakra mantra help counter swapnadosh or nocturnal emission problem. At least 4 months of regular practiced needed to totally cure it.

  9. Hello Sir, this is to bring to your notice that not just a weak mooladhara in males can cause sexual problems, even a weak navel chakra can also lead to it, as the navel houses Kamaagni, lack of which can lead to various issues.
    Not sure about it, just heard it somewhere.



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