Si grand famine par vnde pestifere,
Par pluye longue le long du pole arctique :
Samarobryn cent lieux de l'hemispere,
Viuront sans loy, exempt de politique.
Very great famine through pestiferous wave.
Through long, rain the length of the arctic pole: 'Samarobryn' one hundred leagues from the hemisphere, They will live without law exempt from politics.
This Nostradamus Quatrain on paper appears to be related to those Quatrains, which refer to the coming famines, which have been described in NOSTRADAMUS COMING FAMINE and also those in NOSTRADAMUS COMING PLAGUES.
The first two lines are quite simple to interpret, a pestiferous wave, possibly chemical or biological causing a great famine, from poisonous rains beginning from the Arctic pole and extending all over.
However the next two lines 'Samarobryn' one hundred leagues from the hemisphere, they will live without law exempt from politics, have foxed everyone since the 15Th century. The key word ‘Samarobryn’ which is an Anagram has not been decoded as yet.
This appears to be a Quatrain possibly in the far of future, which will most probably be fulfilled when there is sufficient scientific advancement for large space stations to be setup about 300 to 500 miles above the earth. This appears to be the future of mankind when groups will develop their individual colonies in outer space, and live without the superficial and short sighted rules and regulations which govern their lives. This will happen at a time when there are continuous poisonous rains caused by chemicals or biological agents, when life on earth will become very difficult and dangerous.
However, these will be those groups who have the resources to build these space colonies, this life free from rules and regulation ,and the dangers of living on earth will not be for everyone.
I also request you see this related post NOSTRADAMUS ON SETTLEMENTS IN WORLD CLIMAX.
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Si grand famine par vnde pestifere,
Par pluye longue le long du pole arctique :
Samarobryn cent lieux de l'hemispere,
Viuront sans loy, exempt de politique.
Very great famine through pestiferous wave.
Through long, rain the length of the arctic pole: 'Samarobryn' one hundred leagues from the hemisphere, They will live without law exempt from politics.
This Nostradamus Quatrain on paper appears to be related to those Quatrains, which refer to the coming famines, which have been described in NOSTRADAMUS COMING FAMINE and also those in NOSTRADAMUS COMING PLAGUES.
The first two lines are quite simple to interpret, a pestiferous wave, possibly chemical or biological causing a great famine, from poisonous rains beginning from the Arctic pole and extending all over.
However the next two lines 'Samarobryn' one hundred leagues from the hemisphere, they will live without law exempt from politics, have foxed everyone since the 15Th century. The key word ‘Samarobryn’ which is an Anagram has not been decoded as yet.
This appears to be a Quatrain possibly in the far of future, which will most probably be fulfilled when there is sufficient scientific advancement for large space stations to be setup about 300 to 500 miles above the earth. This appears to be the future of mankind when groups will develop their individual colonies in outer space, and live without the superficial and short sighted rules and regulations which govern their lives. This will happen at a time when there are continuous poisonous rains caused by chemicals or biological agents, when life on earth will become very difficult and dangerous.
However, these will be those groups who have the resources to build these space colonies, this life free from rules and regulation ,and the dangers of living on earth will not be for everyone.
I also request you see this related post NOSTRADAMUS ON SETTLEMENTS IN WORLD CLIMAX.
Related articles
Origin of the Antichrist (prophet666.com)
Nostradamus on Barack Obama? (prophet666.com)
Nostradamus Century 12-English (prophet666.com)
Nostradamus-Assassination of Mabus (prophet666.com)
Nostradamus-Aftermath of the coming Crash (prophet666.com)
Nostradamus-Aftermath of the coming Crash - 2 (prophet666.com)
Nostradamus on Settlements in World Climax (prophet666.com)
How to recognise Kalki Avatar (prophet666.com)
Future Dates in Outer Space (prophet666.com)
Nostradamus on the future of the world (prophet666.com)
An ambiguous forecast: hope and despair at the same time.