The most important question which now arises, and which is on everyone’s minds is when will Kalki Avatar, finally emerge. To learn about this all-important question, one has to look carefully at the original prophecy regarding KALKI AVATAR, which has been mentioned in--
Bhagavad-Gita (Chapter IV-7)
"Whenever there is decay
of righteousness O! Bharatha
And a rise of unrighteousness
then I manifest Myself!''
This is the Key prophecy regarding the emergence of Kalki Avatar. The meaning of this prophecy is clear, there will be severe imbalance in THE THREE FORCES OF GOD, namely CREATIVE, PROTECTIVE and DESTRUCTIVE, also called BRAHMA, VISHNU, MAHESH.These are the three governing forces, which control not only the earth but the entire Universe.
One knows that today there is a severe imbalance in these three forces with the creative force being utilized by the destructive force for destructive purposes. The destructive force of god is thus the predominant force, which is prevalent in nature today. So the period for the emergence of Kalki Avatar has already started. It has been prophesied by NOSTRADAMUS CHYREN IS KALKI AVATAR, where he describes Kalki Avatar. Kalki Avatar has been described in the Bhagavad-Gita as the tenth and final Avatar of Vishnu, also the protective force.
One has to note that nature automatically corrects any imbalance in the three forces when it has reached a critical level, it is clear that we are somewhere in or very near this critical level when nature will intervene and correct this imbalance. Kalki Avatar is the trigger, which will be used by nature to correct this imbalance. The emergence of Kalki Avatar will be most certainly accompanied by natural disasters and wars where it is almost certain that nuclear weapons will be used. There is nothing called chance in the rules of nature and these events will be nature’s way of aiding Kalki Avatar to correct the imbalance. And the protective force will prevail over the destructive force.
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Bhagavad-Gita (Chapter IV-7)
"Whenever there is decay
of righteousness O! Bharatha
then I manifest Myself!''
This is the Key prophecy regarding the emergence of Kalki Avatar. The meaning of this prophecy is clear, there will be severe imbalance in THE THREE FORCES OF GOD, namely CREATIVE, PROTECTIVE and DESTRUCTIVE, also called BRAHMA, VISHNU, MAHESH.These are the three governing forces, which control not only the earth but the entire Universe.
One knows that today there is a severe imbalance in these three forces with the creative force being utilized by the destructive force for destructive purposes. The destructive force of god is thus the predominant force, which is prevalent in nature today. So the period for the emergence of Kalki Avatar has already started. It has been prophesied by NOSTRADAMUS CHYREN IS KALKI AVATAR, where he describes Kalki Avatar. Kalki Avatar has been described in the Bhagavad-Gita as the tenth and final Avatar of Vishnu, also the protective force.
One has to note that nature automatically corrects any imbalance in the three forces when it has reached a critical level, it is clear that we are somewhere in or very near this critical level when nature will intervene and correct this imbalance. Kalki Avatar is the trigger, which will be used by nature to correct this imbalance. The emergence of Kalki Avatar will be most certainly accompanied by natural disasters and wars where it is almost certain that nuclear weapons will be used. There is nothing called chance in the rules of nature and these events will be nature’s way of aiding Kalki Avatar to correct the imbalance. And the protective force will prevail over the destructive force.
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