After I wrote the article NOSTRADAMUS WHO IS MABUS, many of my readers have asked me the following questions-
Who really is Mabus?
If you say that Mabus is not the Third Antichrist, then how will his death trigger such immense destruction?
Which country will Mabus come from?
Is the U.S. Secretary of Navy Ray Mabus, Mabus?

I have already said that Mabus is not the Third Antichrist. In the very near past numerous names like Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and others where prime candidates for the post of Mabus. Let me point out that Saddam was captured and hanged, and the hanging video leaked to the Internet, what happened did any hands seek vengeance, apart from muted protests nothing happened. The same will be the case with all non-Americans who many experts believe to be prime candidates to be Mabus. In today’s world power structure the U.S.A. is the only country, which can wreck immense destruction as revenge for the death of its top leaders. Yes, the Russians have the military firepower but now lack diplomatic clout, after Gorbachev dismantled the U.S.S.R.So America is the country from which Mabus will come from.

Let us now again look at the key Nostradamus quatrain describing Mabus by name.

CENTURY II LXIIMabus puis toft alors mouera viendra,
De gens & beftes vne horrible defaite:
Puis tout a coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, foif, faim, quand courra la comete.
Mabus dies soon and there happens
A dreadful destruction of people and
Animals. At once vengeance appears, a
Hundred hands with thirst and hunger

I Have already described the assassination of Mabus in NOSTRADAMUS WHO IS MABUS, another key pointer towards Mabus are the words “Mabus dies soon”, which mean that Mabus will soon die after achieving something really big on the international scene.

Now coming to Ray Mabus, he certainly comes in the category of top U.S.leaders who if assassinated, will trigger of the immense destruction, which Nostradamus speaks of. But to qualify Ray Mabus has to achieve something really big on the international scene.

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  1. Could there possibly by a connection to Mark Möbius, Executive Director of the IDF. He is due to speak in Isreal in September, roughly the same time the PA is set to unilaterally declare a Palestinian state. There is a known building up of weapons and threat of riots and attacks during the September meeting. Surely someone that runs a monetary funding on a global scale, if killed in a missile strike on Isreal by a newly self declared Palestinian state, would provoke an immediate and overwhelming response from not just the U.S., but all NATO members. This in turn would lead to a response by those in the Arab world sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and the dominoes just keep tumbling from there.

  2. Nostradamus is also an oracle.Their words are always equivocal.If you can decode it correctly, you get the correct prediction. In the word 'MABUS' can you see letters 'MA', 'B' & 'US'. Does it mean Barak ObaMA of USA or USaMA Bin (Osama Bin Laden). Death of any one of them may create havoc. That havoc is already seen in Pakistan and Afghanistan after the death of Osama. No one can say that the effect will not spread world wide. The question of dead of Barak Obama, let's pray to God, it may not happen. Regarding the question of Antichrist,Obama also has lot of controversy that he is Antichrist.
    Jatra Singh Laishram,Manipur, India.

  3. If we re-arrange MABUS it is SAMBU-means Shiva god of destruction.


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